specialdirectloan, Inc. 2021-10-23T07:47:49-04:00 specialdirectloan, Inc. 2021-10-23T07:47:49-04:00 2021-10-23T07:47:49-04:00 Innova GStar Shryke Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 14.99

The GStar Shryke from Innova Champion Discs is an incredible high speed driver that has lots of distance to offer. This disc is designed to flip over and turn early in the flight before fighting back and fading out. 

It's easy to grip and easy to throw. The Shryke has lots of glide, and is ready to turn over early in the flight so that you get maximum distance. It's great for forehand or backhand players who want that extra glide in a high speed driver. The rim isn't too wide so most disc golfers will be able to hold it with ease. The flight path is going to be a big S curve so make sure when you're throwing the Shryke you have plenty of room to the right and the left for it to swing. It will also move quickly down the fairway and further than you expect. This is a max distance driver, it excels when thrown over 300 feet.

GStar plastic is interesting because it's more grip and more flip. It's a softer star plastic and the price is a little lower as well. GStar discs work well during every day of the year but they really excel in the cold. When your other discs have become too overstable and stiff the GStar Shryke will fly almost the same as it did during the summer months. It's popular with many female pro players because of the distance that you can get.

If you want a disc that going to fade late and give you that extra forward glide then get yourself a GStar Shryke.


Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 GStar Innova ordered Shryke speed_13 Stock Stamp turn_-2 173-175 Green 151 14.99 28239695 175 173-175 Blue 152 14.99 89549103 175 173-175 Green 153 14.99 81554211 175 173-175 Blue 154 14.99 33400786 175 173-175 Green 155 14.99 04539468 175 172 Blue 156 14.99 63605412 172 171 Purple 158 14.99 66630820 171 171 Blue 159 14.99 00577251 171 168 Heather Purple 89 14.99 010642400298 168 168 Orange 161 14.99 10162499 168 168 Orange 163 14.99 72576420 168 164 Blue 165 14.99 99066222 164 162 Blue 167 14.99 21623774 162 162 Purple 168 14.99 61414599 162 2021-09-09T10:24:26-04:00 2021-09-09T10:24:26-04:00 Innova Star Shryke Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 15.99

The Innova Star Shryke is a driver with maximum glide potential and can be used by players of any skill level. The 13 speed disc sounds daunting but it's got lots of early turn and late fade that allow this disc to become your max distance driver.

A Shryke is perfect for backhand players and can be thrown by a sidearm player as long as they don't flip their wrist over. It's easy to get going with the Shryke and the harder that you throw it the more turn you'll get out of this amazing driver. It's meant for a long flight so don't throw the Shryke unless you have at least 300+ feet to go to the basket. It has a wide rim but not as wide or flat as some of the high speed drivers.

Star plastic is a premium plastic from Innova. It's durable, grippy and pretty great for the price.  This will beat in over time becoming more understable and can become the ultimate anhyzer disc for you. The Star Shryke comes in a variety of weight and color options so you can have whatever you like for a disc! 

These discs are designed to have an S curve to the flight so you will swing to one side and then back to the other. It's a choice for many pros when they need distance. Get a Shryke and get that awesome S Curve flight that you love today!

Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 Innova Shryke speed_13 Star Stock Stamp turn_-2 173-175 Mulberry 166 15.99 010646243822 175 173-175 Tangerine 167 15.99 010646999736 175 173-175 Grape 168 15.99 010644810972 175 173-175 Carrot Orange 193 15.99 010649102119 175 173-175 Grape Purple 195 15.99 010649924292 175 173-175 Pumpkin 263 15.99 010646760053 175 173-175 Mango 287 15.99 010644133026 175 173-175 Amethyst 288 15.99 010642749830 175 173-175 Blue 302 15.99 89042371 175 173-175 Green 303 15.99 89075139 175 173-175 Pink 304 15.99 89107907 175 169 Yellow 305 15.99 89140675 169 168 Pink 306 15.99 89173443 168 167 Blue 307 15.99 89206211 167 163 Green 310 15.99 89304515 163 162 Green 311 15.99 89337283 162 158 Orange 312 15.99 89370051 158 156 Purple 313 15.99 89402819 156 155 Purple 314 15.99 89435587 155