specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-05-17T09:18:25-04:00 specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-05-17T09:18:25-04:00 2023-05-17T09:18:25-04:00 Innova Halo Star Aviar Disc Golf Putter* Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 20.99

The Innova Halo Aviar is a stable putter that looks amazing. As one of the most popular discs since 1983, it's a great choice for the updated stability and durability of Halo plastic. You can use this disc as an approach putter or as your putting putter.

The flight path of the Aviar is stable and has lots of glide. You can throw it nose up to stall out a little hyzer, you can throw it flat for long straight throws of up to 250 feet. It's also a fantastic turnover disc when thrown on an anhyzer angle. You can do so much shot shaping with the Halo Aviar from Innova. It's going to be something you pull out anytime you're in trouble or you need a straight shot with glide and want to throw something slow and get it there.

Halo plastic from Innova is a premium blend. It's super durable and a little sticky in grip. You can also depend on this plastic to be slightly more overstable right out of the box, so your Aviar might have a little hyzer tail on it compared to some of your other Aviars.

This disc is a staple in the bags of many Innova touring pros, beginners, and disc golfers around the world. The Aviar mold has been the de facto putter since it came out, and it's still rocking in bags today because it works. Snag one of these in Halo plastic and start carding some birdies! ]]>
Aviar Discs fade_1 glide_3 Halo Innova Putt & Approach Putter speed_2 Star Stock Halo Stock Stamp turn_0 172 Red Halo 48 20.99 021948049418 172 169 Blue Halo 25 20.99 157949880405 169 169 Blue Halo 27 20.99 157942412016 169 169 Red Halo 28 20.99 157941863185 169 169 Blue Halo 29 20.99 157941163414 169 169 Red Halo 30 20.99 157944997214 169 169 Blue Halo 32 20.99 157949975903 169 169 Blue Halo 33 20.99 157947670299 169 168 Blue Halo 36 20.99 157948537553 168 2022-11-02T12:11:33-04:00 2022-11-02T12:11:33-04:00 Innova DX Aviar SDG 4 Season Logo Disc Golf Putter Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 8.00

The Innova DX Aviar with the specialdirectloan 4 seasons stamp is one of the most popular discs in the game. The Aviar is the putter that started it all in January of 1983, and specialdirectloan has revamped our 4 seasons logo and put it on this incredible disc. Since Sabattus is open in the Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter we've got a stamp that shows we're always open for you folks (except Thanksgiving and Christmas).

The Aviar is a straight flying putter that's one of the most popular in the game. It's a great choice for world champions and amateurs alike. With a smooth rounded wing it's easy to grab for large or small hands. You can bang chains within 50 feet and allow for a little bit of hyzer finish to this disc, or you can throw it as a shot shaper and turn it over. The Aviar is a very versatile putting disc and handles spin, push, and even turbo putts well. Try it out and see why almost everyone in the game has thrown this disc.

DX plastic from Innova is a baseline blend. It's not meant to hold up from high speed throws, but does beat in well and quickly to give you extra nicks in the plastic for a better putting grip. It's a perfect choice for the Aviar because you want something that will catch the chains and something that's got good grip no matter the weather conditions.

The Innova DX Aviar is one of the most used discs of all time. It's beadless, and one of the most popular putters of all time. We are so pumped to get our stamp on this amazing disc, so come snag one and get a great disc that you can love the stamp on as well. ]]>
Aviar Discs Discs On Sale DX's fade_1 glide_3 Innova Putt & Approach Putter Reduced Pricing Sabattus speed_2 turn_0 175 Bubblegum Pink 5 8.00 171468135662 175 175 Lemon Yellow 14 8.00 188101167232 175 175 Mustard Yellow 20 8.00 164511922593 175 175 Canary Yellow 28 8.00 040747735094 175 172 Pumpkin Orange 33 8.00 043121751079 172 171 Canary Yellow 45 8.00 032727376397 171 170 Mustard Yellow 58 8.00 172939767856 170 170 Mustard Yellow 60 8.00 184537462866 170 170 Pumpkin Orange 61 8.00 192156139984 170 2022-03-31T14:51:28-04:00 2022-03-31T14:51:28-04:00 Innova KC Pro Aviar Disc Golf Putter* Discs Innova Disc Golf

販売元: Innova Disc Golf
タイプ: Discs
価格: 10.95

The Innova KC Pro Aviar Disc Golf Putter is a stiffer blend that offers players a more firm feel when they're putting. KC stands for Ken Climo, the 12x World Champion who requested the plastic be made for more reliable putts. It's still the same amazing putter that handles spin or push putts, just in a harder and more durable blend of plastic.

The flight path of the Aviar is very straight inside the circle. Throw it with confidence that the wing will dip slightly and drop in the chains. The KC Pro Aviar was made to putt with and make thousands of putts for you. As an approach disc it's a great choice and slightly more stable than the DX Aviar. When thrown flat it's going to hold that straight line for a long time and have a little stable finish. The KC Aviar can hold an anhzyer and it will pan out instead of flexing. It's a great choice for those touch shots inside 75 feet when you want to get close but not run it.

KC Pro plastic is hard and beats in well. It's preferred by some pros for putting because it takes a little longer to beat in compared to DX. It's a great choice anytime you need something pretty grippy, so great in the rain and snow.

The KC Pro Aviar has been the choice of champions for years. It's a fantastic mold and in a slightly stiffer plastic. If you're sick of a floppy putter on warm days give this disc a try.

    Aviar Discs fade_2 glide_3 Innova KC Pro Pro Putt & Approach Putter speed_2 Stock Stamp turn_0 167 Purple 79 10.95 034324931757 167 167 Yellow 80 10.95 034321760671 167 166 Purple 82 10.95 034324448217 166 164 Orange 83 10.95 034322233471 164 164 Purple 84 10.95 034328377063 164 163 Purple 86 10.95 034321398782 163 163 Pink 87 10.95 034324747495 163 163 Yellow 88 10.95 034322995232 163 156 Blue 91 10.95 034322100117 156 2021-10-23T07:28:24-04:00 2021-10-23T07:28:24-04:00 Innova DX Aviar Disc Golf Putter Discs Innova Disc Golf

    販売元: Innova Disc Golf
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 8.99

    The Innova DX Aviar Putt & Approach is Innova’s most popular disc model as well as the number one putter in disc golf. As a straight flier with a predictable finish, the Aviar is perfect for short drives and approach shots. While providing excellent grip in a variety of weather conditions; the DX plastic wears in with usage, taking on new and varied flight characteristics.

      Aviar Basement Discs DX DX's fade_1 glide_3 Innova Putt & Approach Putter speed_2 Stock Stamp turn_0 175 Yellow 425 8.99 45527491 175 175 Orange 426 8.99 45560259 175 175 Blue 428 8.99 45625795 175 171 Red 429 8.99 45658563 171 170 Orange 431 8.99 45724099 170 170 White 432 8.99 45756867 170 168 Blue 410 8.99 034323901454 168 167 Yellow 422 8.99 034322528140 167 166 Azure 297 8.99 034325551572 166 166 Dijon 332 8.99 034325896840 166 166 Yellow 424 8.99 034323121586 166 164 Yellow 411 8.99 034328717364 164 164 Blue 412 8.99 034321876136 164 163 Yellow 416 8.99 034328069869 163 162 Green 419 8.99 034327333565 162 161 Yellow 420 8.99 034323470745 161 2021-06-26T10:43:38-04:00 2021-06-26T10:43:38-04:00 Innova R-Pro Aviar Disc Golf Putter Discs Innova Disc Golf

      販売元: Innova Disc Golf
      タイプ: Discs
      価格: 10.95

      The Innova R-Pro Aviar Putt & Approach is Innova's most popular disc model and the number one putter in disc golf. It is versatile and dependable in all weather conditions; making it a must have disc for any serious competitor’s bag. This is the beadless model that provides an excellent grip which is further enhanced by the R-Pro plastic. It is a straight flier with a predictable finish.

        Aviar Discs fade_1 glide_3 Innova Putt & Approach Putter R-Pro speed_2 Stock Stamp turn_0 167 Yellow 254 10.95 034323840715 167 167 Pale Pink/Orange 255 10.95 100000002815 167 167 Red 256 10.95 100000002816 167 164 Purple 260 10.95 034329768778 164 164 Yellow 261 10.95 034322430023 164 163 Pink Orange Blend 208 10.95 034322130688 163 163 Yellow 263 10.95 034325179592 163 162 Yellow 210 10.95 034328485355 162 162 Rose Pink 212 10.95 034326893510 162 162 Purple 265 10.95 034323219290 162 2021-04-07T16:58:46-04:00 2021-04-07T16:58:46-04:00 Innova Star Aviar Disc Golf Putter* Discs Innova Disc Golf

        販売元: Innova Disc Golf
        タイプ: Discs
        価格: 15.45

        The Innova Star Aviar Putt & Approach is versatile and dependable in a wide variety of weather conditions. This beadless model combined with Star plastic provides maximum grip and durability. With a predictable finish at the end of a straight flight, this putter is a must have in any players bag. 

          Aviar Discs fade_1 glide_3 Innova Putt & Approach Putter speed_2 Star Stock Stamp turn_0 173-175 Yellow 178 15.45 18842060 175 173-175 Orange 181 15.45 15978520 175 171 Dayglow 145 15.45 034325256880 171 171 Yellow 183 15.45 00143610 171 170 Dayglow 152 15.45 034322302375 170 170 Dayglow 154 15.45 034325458529 170 166 Sapphire 165 15.45 034324212603 166