specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-04-19T08:27:50-04:00 specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-04-19T08:27:50-04:00 2023-04-19T08:27:50-04:00 Discmania C-Line CD1 Disc Golf Control Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 18.99

The Discmania C-Line CD1 is a stable disc that offers players something in between fairway driver and distance driver. It's got excellent glide and that touch of stable hyzer finish you're looking for in a 250-350 foot disc. The C stands for control driver and that's exactly what this disc does. It's meant to be thrown under control and get you no hassle looks at the basket. This new version is meant to fly similarly to the popular CD2 when it was molded by Innova.

The flight path of the CD1 is mostly straight with a hint of turn at the beginning of the flight. Then a little hyzer finish when it stalls out at the end of the flight. This disc is for when you pull out a mid and distance driver and neither one will do exactly what you want. Throw it forehand or backhand with equal success.

C-Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend. It's super durable and beloved by professional players as well as amateurs because it works all over the world.

Why should you snag this disc? Because it's going to be that stable fairway distance shot you want in the woods. Because it's reliable in flight. Because this disc can be thrown by so many people. Snag one of these and start improving you short drives.

C-Line CD1 Control Driver Discmania Discs fade_2 glide_5 speed_9 turn_-1 173 Purple 9 18.99 157947706875 173 173 Yellow 13 18.99 157944242109 173 172 Yellow 17 18.99 157944829911 172 172 Green 21 18.99 157946275846 172 2023-04-06T13:21:34-04:00 2023-04-06T13:21:34-04:00 Discmania C-Line FD1 Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 18.99

The Discmania C Line FD1 is a stable to overstable fairway driver. It's a great complement to the Discmania lineup and can be a disc you pull out when your FD is perhaps too glidey for a situation. As a 7 speed it's capable of being thrown by newer players as their control disc, and advanced players for reliable stable shots up to 300 feet.

The flight path of the FD1 is straight for as long as the disc has power. Then it's going to get down to the ground on a soft hyzer. With a glide rating of 4 you can predict the FD1 as more point and shoot than glide to the target. The advantage of this disc is that you can swing it a little wider and expect it to get down sooner than other fairway drivers. It's a great choice for forehand or backhand, so let the FD1 rip either way you're comfortable throwing.

C Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend of durable, see through plastic. It's what you see pros throwing on the Disc Golf Pro Tour and local players in your parks because it works everywhere. It's got good grip and can handle smacking a tree or two. It's an excellent plastic choice for the FD1 because you will be throwing this disc hard through some tunnels and you want it to maintain that stable flight path after you hit something a time or two.

The C-Line FD1 from Discmania fills that stable, no nonsense, low glide fairway driver spot in your bag. It's perfect for anytime you wish you had a longer more stable mid. Or for when your distance drivers feel like overkill on a hole. Get one and see why Discmania had to create this. ]]>
C-Line Discs fade_2 Fairway Driver FD1 glide_4 speed_7 turn_0 175 Yellow 4 18.99 157948734969 175 173 Green 12 18.99 157947870347 173 173 Green 15 18.99 157943966082 173 173 Yellow 16 18.99 157947122583 173 172 Purple 20 18.99 157943329252 172 172 Yellow 21 18.99 157943497807 172 171 Yellow 26 18.99 157945358021 171 171 Green 28 18.99 157942523934 171 171 Purple 29 18.99 157947034824 171 170 Yellow 30 18.99 157943558065 170 2023-03-17T09:22:06-04:00 2023-03-17T09:22:06-04:00 Discmania C-Line MD1 Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 18.99

The Discmania C Line MD1 is a straight throwing high glide midrange that's made for all skill levels. It's 6 glide rating is no joke, you'll find yourself watching this disc keep going and going down the fairway. It's perfect for slow shots, approaches, and tunnels under 300 feet.

The flight path of the MD1 is straight. It's that mid that sort of does everything. You can rely on it to hold an anhyzer if that's how you release the disc. It will hold that hyzer for a whole flight as well. If you have a clean flat release you'll get a straight shot with it as well. The MD1 is so useful in the woods either off the tee or when you're in trouble and you need to scramble. It fits easily into most players bags. This disc will not do well in a headwind or if you release it on an unintentional anhyzer.

C Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend. Interestingly these white discs are not see through like most C-Line blend is. This stuff is going to last you years and is thrown by pros and local players because it works.

Get yourself a C-Line MD1 from Discmania and start carrying long slow shots down the fairway. Use this disc when you want to hit a line and hold it. It's one of the most popular discs from Discmania no matter how far you throw. ]]>
C-Line Discmania Discs fade_0 glide_6 MD1 Mid-Range Midrange speed_5 turn_0 180 Green 5 18.99 157943697726 180 180 Yellow 7 18.99 157948015938 180 178 Green 14 18.99 157949969681 178 177 Purple 21 18.99 157942152332 177 176 Yellow 22 18.99 157941748864 176 175 Yellow 26 18.99 157949037861 175 174 Purple 27 18.99 157943924020 174 172 Purple 34 18.99 157942770413 172 172 Purple 38 18.99 157943313848 172 172 Purple 40 18.99 157948439529 172 171 Purple 42 18.99 157942763644 171 171 Green 44 18.99 157948290335 171 170 Green 46 18.99 157945165926 170 2023-02-08T08:28:41-05:00 2023-02-08T08:28:41-05:00 Discmania S-Line FD Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 19.99

The Discmania S-Line FD is a disc that's designed for everyday players. It's high glide, slightly less stable than the flight numbers suggest, and an excellent choice for lots of shot shaping. This discs abilities should make their way into everyone's bag.

The flight path of the FD is straight with some turn and lots of glide, then more glide, and finally some fade at the end of the flight. Thrown flat and hard at about 200 feet, the FD is going to go out and straight the whole way before a long slow hyzer finish. If you throw it harder and further than that you'll get some turn out of this disc before it comes back to flat. Players love that this disc can be hyzer flipped by noodle arms with some skills. It's an excellent roller disc for the advanced player as well. Throw it high and softly on a hyzer for those big around the corner shots where you need high glide. The FD is perfect for those tricky shots in the woods when you just need to get out of trouble.

S-Line plastic from Discmania is a premium plastic blend. You get discs in this plastic because you're going to hit trees, rocks, and metal with it and still want the disc to retain its original flight characteristics for a bit before it seasons. It's what you'll see folks in your local park throwing because it's affordable and durable, and you'll see folks on the Disc Golf Pro Tour ripping S-Line because it works so well.

It's such a fun disc. The S-Line FD has been around for a long time and it's a favorite disc of so many players. Give the FD a chance at making your bag and snag your favorite color and weight today. ]]>
Discmania Discs fade_1 Fairway Driver FD's glide_6 S-Line speed_7 turn_0 174 Blue 20 19.99 160998616567 174 174 Orange 21 19.99 160997853208 174 173 Orange 4 19.99 157942466668 173 173 Orange 23 19.99 160992735189 173 172 Orange 11 19.99 157943821435 172 169 Orange 15 19.99 157948780348 169 2023-02-08T08:23:54-05:00 2023-02-08T08:23:54-05:00 Discmania S-Line DD3 Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 19.99

The Discmania S Line DD3 is a stable distance driver meant for huge crushing drives with that full S curve flight. It's a great choice for anyone who is consistently hitting 325+ feet with their forehand or backhand. this disc is very similar to the Discmania Cloudbreaker, but the DD3 is slightly taller and more liable to flip than the Cloudbreaker.

The flight path of the DD3 is going to be early high speed turn, followed by a forward glide, and a stable finish. The easiest flight path to compare this disc to is the Innova Wraith or Innova Destroyer. The DD3 demands lots of power to get going, but once it's up to speed this disc can be your trusted go to driver. It's great at handling the torque of forehands so rip into it no matter how you throw. The DD3 can be used for shot shaping on wooded holes, or slightly flexed in the open field for huge distance shots. When you get that first full flight out of the disc, you'll be hooked.

S Line plastic is a premium blend from Discmania. It's going to have that little bit of shine to it, a great grip, and be more flexible than their C-Line blend. It's the choice of players all the way up on the Disc Golf Pro Tour and folks in your local park. It works, it works for years, and when it does beat in you have a fantastic disc.

Get your Discmania S Line DD3 here at specialdirectloan, it's a great addition to your bag in that stable high speed driver slot. ]]>
DD3 Discmania Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 S-Line speed_12 turn_-1 175 Purple 20 19.99 160994965133 175 175 Purple 23 19.99 160991321802 175 174 Purple 6 19.99 157943391013 174 174 Purple 24 19.99 160993186249 174 173 Purple 9 19.99 157941680225 173 173 Orange 12 19.99 157949035843 173 173 Yellow 25 19.99 160996986051 173 173 Gray 26 19.99 160993440648 173 173 Purple 27 19.99 160997592916 173 173 Yellow 28 19.99 160991179236 173 173 Gray 29 19.99 160996091724 173 172 Purple 13 19.99 157947474095 172 172 Purple 15 19.99 157947656903 172 172 Purple 17 19.99 157945779956 172 172 Orange 18 19.99 157948510808 172 2023-02-08T08:23:46-05:00 2023-02-08T08:23:46-05:00 Discmania S-Line PD Disc Golf Power Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 19.99

The Discmania S Line PD Disc Golf Driver is an overstable, low glide disc that you can use forehand or backhand for all your reliable drive needs. This disc is meant for the advanced player who already has 300 feet of power with either the backhand or sidearm shot.

PD stands for Power Driver. It's a great disc to really lay into as hard as you want and you know you're not going to flip it over. It's great for low shots with power if you need a big flair skip, it's an excellent flex disc, and you can also just throw it out flat and know it will fade every time. What makes the PD different from many other high speed drivers is the way that it doesn't glide, and has no turn. While the numbers appear close to discs like the Innova Firebird for the flight path, this disc gets more forward push. The PD balances the role between your overstable utility disc and your stable distance driver. Woods players love this disc when they get a chance to rip but need a disc that always hyzers at the end of the flight.

S Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend. It's grippy and the choice of many pros for its longevity, and amateur players love the price too! This is the same plastic you see on the Disc Golf Pro Tour and in your local parks. It works all over the world and you'll love the color and feel.

The PD is a staple in the bag of many experienced disc golfers. You'll want something you can rip into and always trust, and that's the S-Line Power Driver from Discmania. ]]>
Discmania Discs fade_3 glide_4 PD's Power Driver S-Line speed_10 turn_-4 176 Pink 2 19.99 157944839262 176 176 Purple 3 19.99 157947428111 176 175 Pink 4 19.99 157949083660 175 173 Purple 5 19.99 157943483190 173 173 Orange 6 19.99 157941120639 173 172 Purple 9 19.99 157945050017 172 172 Pink 10 19.99 157941078626 172 172 Orange 11 19.99 157946359935 172 171 Purple 16 19.99 157941224597 171 171 Purple 18 19.99 157944780298 171 170 Purple 20 19.99 157942612881 170 2022-10-12T12:05:05-04:00 2022-10-12T12:05:05-04:00 Discmania Chroma C-Line MD3 Eagle McMahon Iron Samurai 4 Signature Series Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 22.99

The Discmania Chroma MD3 Eagle McMahon Iron Samurai 4 is a stable to overstable midrange. You can throw it forehand or backhand and get a long straight flight with lots of glide. The stamp features a Samurai looking down at his two swords. The words "Iron" and "Samurai" are at the top and bottom with the number 4 underneath an Eagle with outstretched wings. The entire disc is covered with spears, swords, scythes, pikes, and tridents that line the outside facing in. This is a work of art on the disc. Many of these limited edition discs are going to end up on the walls of collectors because of how intricate they are. This run of discs is different from the Iron Samurai 3's because the top is flatter.

The flight path of the MD3 is straight for a majority of the flight with a slow fade at the end. With high glide it's a great choice for tunnel shots, and pretty much everything 150-300 feet. It's going to have a stable flight so you can power up on the disc and give it a little early turn knowing that it's going to hold and flex back a little bit. Or you can throw it nice and smooth for expertly placed 250 foot shots. The MD3 handles soft forehand shots well or backhands pretty well. You'll see plenty of amateur and pro players throwing this disc off the tee because it gets great distance and is very reliable. With the high glide, expect a slow fade that takes the disc on hyzer for a bit. This is the kind of disc you can swing out high on a hyzer and let it gently swing back. The MD3 is perfect for shot shaping in the woods.

Chroma plastic from Discmania is a newer blend. It's super durable and premium, with a swirly pearly look to it. It's stiff and should give you a little more grip than just traditional C-Line blend plastic. It's perfect for the Iron Samurai 4 because you'll be throwing this disc hard and you want something that will last you a long time.

This is one of the most versatile midrange discs in the game. Throw it flat for straight shots with a little hyzer tail finish, throw it on hyzer for a long slow reliable shot, or flip it over and let it pan out to flat. The Iron Samurai 4 is sure to fly off the shelves here at specialdirectloan, so snag one of these limited edition discs while you can!

C-Line Chroma Discmania Discmania Limited Edition Discs fade_1 glide_5 Limited Edition MD3 Mid-Range Midrange Specialty speed_5 turn_0 179 Shimmery Orange 5 22.99 034324685315 179 178 Translucent Yellow 11 22.99 034321695959 178 178 Shimmery Orange 12 22.99 034328003894 178 177 Opalescent Blue 14 22.99 034323694912 177 177 Shimmery Orange 15 22.99 034325703162 177 177 Pearlish Green 16 22.99 034324358929 177 177 Iridescent Pink 17 22.99 034322098421 177 177 Pearlish Green 18 22.99 034321160419 177 177 Translucent Yellow 20 22.99 034329017371 177 176 Shimmery Orange 21 22.99 034322166250 176 176 Opalescent Blue 22 22.99 034326919609 176 176 Shimmery Orange 23 22.99 034323551857 176 176 Iridescent Pink 25 22.99 034324458759 176 176 Translucent Yellow 26 22.99 034321537167 176 175 Shimmery Orange 28 22.99 034321485130 175 175 Iridescent Pink 31 22.99 034321485529 175 175 Shimmery Orange 32 22.99 034329842386 175 175 Opaline Pink 33 22.99 034327564860 175 175 Shimmery Orange 37 22.99 034326954693 175 174 Shimmery Orange 38 22.99 034328390949 174 174 Shimmery Orange 40 22.99 034329933190 174 174 Translucent Yellow 42 22.99 034321876532 174 174 Shimmery Orange 43 22.99 034322231422 174 173 Shimmery Orange 45 22.99 034325822641 173 173 Translucent Yellow 46 22.99 034322155834 173 2022-10-06T11:38:59-04:00 2022-10-06T11:38:59-04:00 Discmania S-Line Special Blend Cloud Breaker Eagle McMahon Creator Series Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 19.99

The Discmania S Line Cloudbreaker is an amazing high speed disc golf distance driver. It's a stable to overstable disc that's great for handling the torque of forehands or the distance of backhands. It was designed with Eagle McMahon in mind, and he's one of the longest throwers in the history of disc golf. The stamp features a fierce bird surrounded by clouds. It's typical imagery from Eagle McMahon's creator series discs and shirts. The lines of the feathers blend into the clouds, and the eyes of the bird stare into your soul. You can hang this on your wall or put it in your bag, it's pretty much fine art on a disc.

The flight path of the DD3 Cloudbreaker is going to be long, have lots of glide, and a stable to overstable finish. It's definitely a disc designed for the above average golfer. You will absolutely crush this wide rim disc with max power and get a long flight out of it. When thrown flat it should have a little bit of turn to it, and lots of forward glide. The Cloudbreaker needs lots of side to side room to get those big distances, so throwing it in wide open fields is where it will do the best. Slower arms will find that the stability of the disc won't allow it to flip much, but they'll still be able to use it reliably as a consistent disc with fade or for flex shots.

S-Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend that's durable, grippy, and this run is full of swirly goodness. This is a special blend of the line, and it's slightly softer than much of the S-Line you may be used to. This will give it more turn early on in the life of the disc.

Try the Cloudbreaker from Discmania and see what the hype is about. Just don't take too long! These highly desirable discs are sure to fly off the shelves quickly.

Cloud Breaker cloudbreaker Discmania Discmania Limited Edition Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 Limited Edition S-Line Special Blend speed_12 turn_-1 175 Orange Swirl 165 19.99 010645865063 175 175 Orange Swirl 169 19.99 010646423484 175 175 Orange Swril 180 19.99 010643626871 175 175 Orange Swirl 183 19.99 010648318092 175 175 Orange Swirl 186 19.99 010647505509 175 2022-06-22T14:19:21-04:00 2022-06-22T14:19:21-04:00 Discmania Evolution Neo Method Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

販売元: Discmania
タイプ: Discs
価格: 17.99

The Discmania Neo Method is an overstable high glide midrange from the Evolution line. It's got a small bead on the rim and has a rounded top. It's a great choice for those shots from 100-300 feet where you want something to fly flat and then hook up and hyzer slowly. The colors are vibrant

The flight path of the Method is overstable, which makes it great for reliable flight patterns and for throwing forehand or backhand. It's got plenty of glide so be sure to throw this disc with the understanding that it's going to take some time getting to the ground. This mid won't flip over on you, so don't be afraid to really juice it and enjoy the long flight with that stable fade. If you're a woods player you'll need something that can hyzer the whole time without being too high speed. The Method can be used for soft flex shots, but isn't much of a touch shot disc. It's designed to handle power and give you long level flights.

Neo plastic from Discmania is one of their most durable blend plastics for their discs. It's going to be even more overstable than other premium blends. You'll beat this disc in for years and it will still have the original flight characteristics.

The Method is perfect for your stable mid needs. It's perfect for driving off the tee on short par 3's. Excellent for highly technical hyzers that turn the whole time. And it's got great durability to keep that flight path even if you play rugged wooded courses regularly. Snag one of these Method's today and improve your short game.

    Discmania Discs Evolution fade_3 glide_5 Method Mid-Range Midrange Neo speed_5 turn_0 180 Blue 10 17.99 022433724339 180 180 Blue 11 17.99 022435029654 180 180 Blue 12 17.99 022435453794 180 180 Blue 13 17.99 022432389768 180 180 Blue 15 17.99 022437515216 180 178 Yellow 16 17.99 022432152669 178 177 Yellow 20 17.99 022436823459 177 177 Yellow 22 17.99 022438346543 177 173 Yellow 24 17.99 022431946382 173 173 Pink 26 17.99 022434500178 173 172 White 27 17.99 022434185092 172 171 Yellow 28 17.99 022437601209 171 171 White 29 17.99 022431596648 171 171 Pink 30 17.99 022432649671 171 170 White 31 17.99 022433153443 170 170 Pink 32 17.99 022436764394 170 170 Yellow 33 17.99 022439785037 170 2022-06-16T13:27:41-04:00 2022-06-16T13:27:41-04:00 Discmania C-Line P2 2022 Sky God 4 Simon Lizotte Signature Series Disc Golf Putter Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 19.99

    The Discmania C-Line Sky God IV is a stable disc golf approach and putting disc. The Sky God 4 is the fourth disc in the Signature Series of Simon Lizotte. This is the first made with the "new" P2 mold. The stamp features the Egyptian Sky God Horus, arms outstretched and soaring through the air. He carries a club and a curled fist as he screams with an open beak. It's one of the coolest Sky God stamps yet.

    The flight path of the P2 is stable with lots of glide and then a long fade at the end of the flight. It's an amazing approach disc and something that you can pull out when you're 50-250 feet from the basket. One of the great things about this disc being in a premium blend of plastic is that you can give it a little bit of extra juice and it won't flip over as easily. Comparing this disc to the Sky God 3 it's going to be stiffer and more overstable.

    C Line plastic from Discmania is premium and durable. It's going to have that see through look with plenty of great color options. When you do hit rocks, trees, and metal, the P2 will keep the same overstable flight characteristics as it first had. You can rely on throwing this disc in your bag for years to come.

    The Sky God IV is a limited edition disc. Each year a certain number are made and that's it. Get your hands on one of these extremely beautiful discs while you can.

    C-Line Discmania Discmania Limited Edition Discs fade_1 glide_3 Limited Edition P2's Putt & Approach Putter Signature Specialty speed_2 turn_0 176 Citrine Yellow 39 19.99 034325802308 176 173 Citrine Yellow 51 19.99 034321205837 173 173 Citrine Yellow 54 19.99 034322217549 173 173 Citrine Yellow 55 19.99 034327413892 173 173 Citrine Yellow 56 19.99 034329281789 173 173 Citrine Yellow 57 19.99 034329289969 173 2022-05-18T13:35:10-04:00 2022-05-18T13:35:10-04:00 Discmania C-Line DD3 Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 18.99

    The C-line Discmania DD3 (new) is an overstable distance driver that's got potential to be your go to driver. It's going to be slightly more overstable than the original mold, something that is likely because of the firmness of the new C-line Italian blend plastic. Players with big arms will love powering up on the DD3 and getting that familiar high speed driver flight path.

    The flight characteristics of the DD3 will have a little bit of turn at high speed and will always hyzer back. If you're throwing 350+ feet consistently you'll see that turnover for a moment about halfway into the flight. The DD3 has lots of glide and is going to be moving forward with it and have a long slow drawn out hyzer fade as well. When thrown with speed, the DD3 is going to make a slight S curve and then have that controlled finish. If you don't have 350+ foot power the DD3 can be your utility disc and something you use for flex shots or skip shots as well. You can rip on this disc in headwinds and not be afraid of it flipping over.

    C-Line plastic from Discmania is a premium blend noted for its durability and see through colors in discs. This is what you'll see pros like Eagle and Simon throwing on the Disc Golf Pro Tour. It's affordable and something that you can find players on your local course throwing too because it works everywhere.

    The DD3 is stable to overstable, durable, and something that you can rely on for both a forehand and a backhand shot with equal control. It's great in all weather conditions and the feel of the new C-line plastic is extra firm and grippy. Snag one of these amazing discs and start hitting extremely big distance shots today! ]]>
    C-Line DD3 Discmania Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 speed_12 turn_-1 175 Purple 19 18.99 022432711941 175 174 Purple 21 18.99 022434498772 174 174 Blue 22 18.99 022435408817 174 173 Purple 23 18.99 022434653911 173 173 Green 24 18.99 022431483887 173 173 Blue 25 18.99 022434268214 173 173 Purple 26 18.99 022436968464 173 173 Green 27 18.99 022432410455 173 172 Blue 30 18.99 022433770848 172 172 Blue 32 18.99 022433490258 172 172 Purple 33 18.99 022433227397 172 171 Blue 34 18.99 022439641302 171 171 Purple 35 18.99 022439079815 171 171 Blue 36 18.99 022432406557 171 2022-05-04T11:23:56-04:00 2022-05-04T11:23:56-04:00 Discmania C-Line PD Disc Golf Power Driver Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 18.99

    The Discmania PD in C-Line plastic is an overstable distance driver. The PD stands for Power Driver and that's what it takes to get this disc going. This is the PD (new) mold from Discmania, it's going to be a little more overstable than the previous PD. It's a disc that has a smaller rim but still has that ability to be thrown fast by players who don't want to worry about a disc that flips over onto anhyzer.

    The flight path of the PD is overstable with a little less glide than most high speed drivers. This is going to give players with big arms a straight flying disc that has a fade at the end of the flight that's more about control than getting to the side. The new PD is going to be slightly more overstable than the older runs, and it's not going to flip over even in a headwind. It's a fantastic flex shot disc and it works well with either the forehand or backhand shot. If you're already throwing about 300 feet the PD will go straight until it runs out of power before fading. If you're not quite up to that distance yet you'll find the PD as more of a utility disc that dumps out of the air.

    C-Line plastic from Discmania is their premium durable blend. It's what you'll see players like Simon and Eagle throwing on the Disc Golf Pro Tour and what you can see local players throwing on your course. It's going to be the most overstable plastic that Discmania offers and takes time to beat in.

    If you want a disc that will guaranteed hyzer at the end of the flight, get the PD. If you want something that you can trust to not flip over with your sidearm, get the PD. Throw this disc and know that the flight path will always be the same. It's time to carry a disc you can always trust. Snag a PD and start hitting your lines today. ]]>
    C-Line Discmania Discs fade_3 glide_4 PD's Power Driver speed_10 turn_0 176 Lime 3 18.99 034322149604 176 175 Lemon 9 18.99 034322666897 175 174 Lemon 11 18.99 034328786711 174 174 Lime 16 18.99 034322036898 174 173 Lime 18 18.99 034324345974 173 170 Lemon 30 18.99 034322921217 170 170 Lemon 32 18.99 034328731353 170 170 Lemon 34 18.99 034327322057 170 169 Lemon 35 18.99 034324034878 169 2022-03-16T11:00:08-04:00 2022-03-16T11:00:08-04:00 Discmania C-Line FD Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 18.99

    The Dismania C-Line FD Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a domey high glide fairway driver that's perfect for beginner players to learn on, or for advanced or pro players to get big distance at little effort. This is the Italian blend C-Line plastic from Discmania and the new mold, it's almost identical and the flight path is the same as the old FD's.

    The flight path of the FD is very straight. It's main function is to glide to the landing zone, so you can throw it with lower power and this disc will keep on goin on that straight line. It's a great choice for beginners because it's going to be straight with stability under 300 feet. When you start throwing the FD further you'll need to start it on a hyzer flip angle or expect the disc to turnover. The FD has a smaller rim so it's easy to hold in the hand if you've got small fingers. The FD is perfect for sending on those tunnel shots when you don't want side to side movement, and it's a great choice for those times when you really need a longer mid.

    C Line plastic from Discmania is a durable and popular blend. It's what pros like Simon Lizotte and Eagle McMahon throw on the disc golf pro tour, and what local players throw as well. You can hit some trees at high speed with the C-Line FD and it's not going to change the flight path of the FD much.

    The new C-Line FD is an awesome disc for throwing straight, or high glide shots with lower power. This disc has been leading at the front of the Discmania brand for years, it's great for players of every skill level and it's still awesome. Try the new FD from Discmania today and see why it's just as great as the original.

    C-Line Discmania Discs fade_1 Fairway Driver FD's glide_6 Rack 50 speed_7 turn_0 173 Peridot Green 49 18.99 034322299101 173 173 Citrine Yellow 51 18.99 034327682472 173 170 Tourmaline Pink 53 18.99 034326094566 170 2022-03-10T09:55:33-05:00 2022-03-10T09:55:33-05:00 Discmania Evolution Neo Mutant Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 17.99

    The Discmania Evolution Neo Mutant is a midrange that offers overstable flight and is a fantastic approach disc. It's beadless but has a sharp transition from the wing of the disc to the flight plate. It has a flat top so don't expect much glide out of the Mutant, but it's going to be a highly accurate disc for you.

    The flight path of the Mutant is going to fade at the end of the flight, it just wants to hyzer. You can throw this with a sidearm flex and get a little distance out of the Mutant, but it's going to be limited to about 250 feet. Think of it as a much longer Tactic for flight path in terms of stability. The Mutant handles forehand and backhands equally well and it's extremely overstable and will fight through any headwinds for you. It's definitely a disc designed for advanced players who are looking for control versus distance.

    Evolution Neo Plastic is a premium plastic blend in conjunction with Latitude 64. Neo plastic is durable and perfect for the Mutant because you're going to get some hard hits when you're shot shaping with this disc. It's a great plastic for all year round and it's what you'll see Team Discmania players throwing when they're out on tour. But it's also available at a great price for amateur players as well.

    The Neo Mutant from Discmania s a great mid that's overstable. If you're looking for something that gets down quick but also gets more distance than traditional approach discs, snag a Mutant in the Neo plastic and see it shave some strokes off your game.

    Discmania Discs Evolution fade_4 glide_3 Mid-Range Midrange Mutant Neo speed_5 turn_0 177 Neon Yellow 14 17.99 034324711595 177 177 Neon Pink 15 17.99 034325357402 177 177 White Lace 16 17.99 034325773240 177 177 Neon Yellow 17 17.99 034328095189 177 177 Neon Pink 18 17.99 034325376045 177 175 Neon Yellow 9 17.99 034327738810 175 2022-03-10T09:52:32-05:00 2022-03-10T09:52:32-05:00 Discmania Evolution Neo Splice Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 17.99

    The Discmania Evolution Neo Splice is a disc golf fairway driver that has a very overstable flight path with little glide. It's a control disc that won't be for max distance, but will always fade no matter if you throw a forehand or backhand, and even into a strong headwind.

    The flight path of the Splice is very stable with no turn and a quick trip to the ground because of the low glide. The Splice is accurate and consistent which is why you'll see pros throwing it on tour. You can crush the Splice as hard as you want on a flex shot and it will still find a way to hyzer and fade out. Where this disc excels is in the woods when you need a very tight line, or when you're trying to avoid one side of a fairway. The Splice handles spike hyzers very well and instead of gliding will be more straight up and down. It's a good forehand roller disc and for overall utility it's one of the best discs that Discmania makes. The Splice is made for advanced players who are throwing 300+ feet consistently.

    Evolution Neo plastic from Discmania is in partnership with Latitude 64 and it's a premium blend . It's highly durable, so don't worry about hitting a tree or rock with the Splice. It's important for this disc to maintain its stability for a long time even if you have a few errant throws. It's what you'll see Team Discmania pros throwing because they can trust it week in and week out on the Disc Golf Pro Tour.

    The Splice is predictable, very overstable, and handles your sidearm or backhand power throws while still fading back. See why everyone is clamoring to get their hands on this plastic.

    Discmania Discs Evolution fade_4 Fairway Driver glide_3 Neo speed_9 Splice turn_0 173 Neon Yellow 19 17.99 034321242047 173 173 Turquoise Blue 20 17.99 034324184825 173 173 Turquoise Blue 21 17.99 034327461640 173 173 Turquoise Blue 25 17.99 034321404193 173 171 Sapphire 8 17.99 034326811156 171 169 Neon Yellow 12 17.99 034324918505 169 169 Neon Pink 27 17.99 034323144486 169 2021-10-20T11:00:03-04:00 2021-10-20T11:00:03-04:00 Discmania C-Line MD3 Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

    販売元: Discmania
    タイプ: Discs
    価格: 18.99

    The Discmania C-Line MD3 Standard Disc Golf Midrange has been retooled and has a slightly different flight and shape. In 2021 Discmania moved from being produced by Innova to their own factory in Sweden. And they've changed the mold slightly, making the MD3 .1cm taller and deeper in the rim. This has led to a change in the flight numbers as well. This mold that was 5-5-0-2 is now 5-5-0-1, and slightly less overstable with the fade being reduced.

    The flight path of the MD3 is a stable one, you can expect long straight throws with plenty of glide. This disc is preferred by so many players because it has great distance and can be thrown with lots of force without turning over. The MD3 has been a signature disc of Eagle McMahon's for years, he can rely on the MD3 every week when he's out touring. It handles both forehand and backhand throws well. It's a speed 5 disc so this can be thrown by players of any skill level.

    C-Line plastic from Discmania offers exceptional durability and grip. This is the new premium Italian blend of plastic which is slightly more gummy than previous runs. You can expect this durable disc to last for years. It's great in all kinds of weather and typically is the most stable of the plastics.

    The MD3 is a reliable disc that you can throw straight with a little reliable tail of fade at the end. It's trusted by players around the world, and this new mold is no exception. Snag one of these today!

      C-Line Discmania Discs fade_1 glide_5 MD3 Mid-Range Midrange speed_5 turn_0 179 Yellow 46 18.99 022436919572 179 178 Water 35 18.99 022435763909 178 178 Yellow 51 18.99 022434282678 178 178 Green 53 18.99 022436005282 178 177 Flamingo 36 18.99 022434055715 177 177 Red 55 18.99 022438547797 177 177 Purple 56 18.99 022438819962 177 177 Pink 57 18.99 022433087441 177 177 Green 58 18.99 022438037847 177 177 Yellow 59 18.99 022433358725 177 177 Purple 60 18.99 022437370853 177 177 Green 61 18.99 022432411063 177 176 Blue 64 18.99 022435880804 176 176 Red 65 18.99 022437055675 176 176 Green 66 18.99 022439493253 176 176 Blue 68 18.99 022431428758 176 176 Yellow 69 18.99 022438406728 176 175 Purple 73 18.99 022439644624 175 175 Yellow 74 18.99 022433999263 175 174 Green 78 18.99 022431486710 174 2021-09-24T09:35:18-04:00 2021-09-24T09:35:18-04:00 Discmania Evolution Neo Essence Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Discmania

      販売元: Discmania
      タイプ: Discs
      価格: 17.99

      The Discmania Evolution Neo Essence Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a slightly understable disc with lots of glide. You'll find yourself using the Essence anywhere from 150-350 feet for its long glidey shot potential.

      The flight path of the Essence has lots of early turn and a long glide forward, then a slow long fade at the end of the flight. The Essence thrives when it's thrown with some time to make its move, it's a great woods disc when you need early turn but still need lots of distance to carry. As an 8 speed it's a disc that beginners can throw and advanced players will be able to keep straight or have a turnover disc in their bag. The Essence benefits greatly from hyzer flip and can be thrown with either a forehand or backhand shot.

      Neo plastic is from the Discmania Evolution line. It feels like a blend between S-Line and C-Line plastic. It's got the grip you like from S-Line but it has a little more stability and is a little more see through like C line plastic. It's very durable and is going to last you a long time no matter if you're hitting chains, fieldwork, or trees with it.

      The Neo Essence from Discmania is a great choice for players of all skill levels. It's got early turn, high glide, and enough stability so that you won't turn it over into a roller. This is a must bag disc if you play anywhere with trees.

      Discmania Discs Essence Evolution fade_1 Fairway Driver glide_6 Neo speed_8 turn_-2 173 Pink 26 17.99 022435161958 173 173 Yellow 27 17.99 022434030095 173 172 Pink 29 17.99 022431606279 172 171 Pink 33 17.99 022434446988 171 171 Yellow 36 17.99 022439817035 171 171 Pink 37 17.99 022434697083 171 171 White 38 17.99 022435486945 171 171 Yellow 39 17.99 022432282946 171 169 White 42 17.99 022437143778 169 169 Yellow 43 17.99 022439513746 169 2021-09-21T11:00:07-04:00 2021-09-21T11:00:07-04:00 Discmania D-Line P2 Flex 2 Disc Golf Putter Discs Discmania

      販売元: Discmania
      タイプ: Discs
      価格: 11.99

      The Discmania D Line P2 Flex 2 Disc Golf Putter is one of the most anticipated discs in a long time. Discmania's signature putter, the P2 will be one of the most intriguing discs since it has changed slightly after the move to Sweden.

      The changes are the plastic is now slightly different, the rim depth has increased slightly from 1.6cm to 1.5 cm, and the line of plastic that separates the top and bottom of the disc is slightly taller. The flight it mostly unchanged, with the newer P2's being slightly more stable than the first mold known as the Psycho P2.

      The flight path of the P2 is straight up to 30 feet for putting. It will have a little hyzer at the end of the flight, and the added stability is great for consistent putting. As you throw from further away you'll find that the stability of the disc keeps it from flipping over and keeps it on that straight to hyzer line. The P2 is not just exceptional as a putting putter, as a thrower it can glide for a long time and be used in turnover shots where you want the disc to pan out or flex. You'll find that it's easy to grip even if you have small hands. The flight characteristics of the P2 are mostly unchanged, but expect a little more stable flight so you can beat these discs in a little bit longer. The high glide rating on these discs allow them to be thrown from the tee or for putts and you can get great distance either way.

      This is the standard D line plastic from Discmania. It's the baseline plastic blend and this is the standard flex, the middle between soft and hard. This is the plastic you're looking for if you want these to be putting putters. It's got more grip, it's affordable at a decent price compared to premium blends, and the durability allows you to get lots of putts in with it.

      The P2 is not the original, but it's improved from Discmania. These discs are sure to be special and as in demand as the originals so snag one for your bag today!

      D-Line Discmania Discs fade_1 glide_3 P2's Putter Rack 47 speed_2 turn_0 176 Cotton White 29 11.99 022439068062 176 176 Canary 31 11.99 022439372077 176 174 Cotton White 33 11.99 022437683588 174 174 Canary 34 11.99 022432712771 174 174 Canary 36 11.99 022439247955 174 174 Cotton White 37 11.99 022436445118 174 174 Canary 39 11.99 022435886936 174 173 Cotton White 40 11.99 022436516269 173 2021-09-16T17:41:10-04:00 2021-09-16T17:41:10-04:00 Discmania Evolution Neo Origin Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

      販売元: Discmania
      タイプ: Discs
      価格: 17.99

      The Discmania Evolution Neo Origin Disc Golf Midrange is an understable high glide midrange that offers lots of shot shaping ability and distance. It's a great choice for slower arm speed players and folks who want something that can turn for them.

      The flight path of the Discmania Origin when released flat will be a fair amount of early turn and then the disc will come back to flat and glide, finally a long slow fade at the end of the flight. This disc is super glidey, it only wants to ride on the wind. You'll get lots of long flights from this disc, and you can try them out on anhyzer or hyzer as well. The Origin does great at holding a long slow anny that pans out instead of fading. The Origin is a great choice for any time you need distance and a long slow shot. If you're looking for it to hold a turn or fade it can do that for you. It flies pretty true to the numbers but is a hair more understable than -1 and the glide is longer than you think.

      Neo plastic from Discmania is a premium blend that's durable and grippy. This is considered to be the most overstable blend that Discmania offers. It's a fantastic choice for the Origin because you are going to be throwing this disc in the woods trying to get it to carry. It's going to clip branches and rocks and roots.

      You'll want an Origin in your bag because it's great at holding lines, can glide, and can be thrown by players of any skill level. At specialdirectloan we work to keep the price low because we know you're going to throw discs like these. Snag one today!

        Discmania Discs Evolution fade_1 glide_5 Mid-Range Midrange Neo Origin speed_5 turn_-1 172 Vivid Pink 51 17.99 022435946142 172 172 Vivid Pink 52 17.99 022438080010 172 171 Vivid Pink 55 17.99 022434141739 171 2021-09-16T17:25:46-04:00 2021-09-16T17:25:46-04:00 Discmania Evolution Exo Soft Tactic Disc Golf Putter Discs Discmania

        販売元: Discmania
        タイプ: Discs
        価格: 11.99

        The Discmania Evolution Exo Soft Tactic Disc Golf Putter is an approach disc designed to get down to the ground and fade the whole time. It's an awesome choice for players in the 75-200 foot range to the basket.

        The flight path of the Tactic is short for a reason, this disc is all about getting you as close to the basket as possible without going in. It's an excellent forehand or backhand disc and you can rely on the disc never flipping over, even in a headwind. As you throw the Tactic you'll find that once it starts to slow down it's going to fade hard and try to get down. With a glide rating of 2 this disc is very point and shoot at your target. Throw it flat, and where you want it to go. The Tactic won't roll away or have big skips, it's trying to use up all the energy in the flight quickly. You'll find yourself throwing this disc many times during the round when you're looking to get up and down.

        Evolution Exo Soft plastic is a cool blend from Discmania that's a little soft to the touch. This gives you a chance to really dig your thumb into the plastic. It will offer slightly more glide than the hard Exo plastic tactic as well. It offers exceptional grip and it's not going to beat in as quickly as you might think. Because you're throwing this more softly it won't take big dings and nicks from trees. You can rely on the Exo Soft Tactic to keep its overstable flight path for years.

        These discs offer you a great chance at getting up and down. They're built for ultimate control and not distance, but they'll help lower your score. If you don't have an overstable approach disc in your bag now is the perfect time to go and get one.

          Discmania Discs Evolution Exo fade_3 glide_2 Putt & Approach Putter Soft speed_4 Tactic turn_0 176 Charcoal Gray 16 11.99 022437345806 176 176 Cerulean 23 11.99 022436046551 176 176 Cerulean 25 11.99 022435748470 176 176 Cerulean 27 11.99 022435445621 176 176 Charcoal Gray 28 11.99 022433541165 176 176 Cerulean 33 11.99 022438584341 176 176 Charcoal Gray 34 11.99 022436931628 176 176 Cerulean 35 11.99 022432258538 176 173 Powder White 53 11.99 022434234325 173 173 Magenta 54 11.99 022437909107 173
 2021-09-16T15:28:06-04:00 2021-09-16T15:28:06-04:00 Discmania Evolution Exo Hard Tactic Disc Golf Putter Discs Discmania

          販売元: Discmania
          タイプ: Discs
          価格: 11.99

          The Evolution Exo Hard Tactic Disc Golf Putter is an overstable approach disc that's designed to fight through the wind and get down near the basket. It's a reliable and durable disc with great grip, perfect for getting up and down.

          The flight path of the Exo Tactic is short and has a strong fade. The point of the Tactic is not to glide, but rather fight through any wind and make its way down to the ground. It's a consistent flight every time and that makes it great from 50-200 feet where you are just trying to get close to the basket. Most top players bag an overstable approach disc because they know exactly what it will do every time. It's excellent for forehand or backhand players and you'll find yourself turning to the tactic for all sorts of upshots and utility.

          Exo Hard plastic from Discmania works in any weather. It offers supreme grip and a slightly stiffer feel than Exo soft plastic. This will give you a cleaner release and a more overstable finish. It's a a great choice for the Tactic because you're not ripping this disc as hard as you can, you're throwing it to get close to the basket.

          If you're looking for a disc that can be thrown forehand or backhand and is going to help take strokes off of your game, you've found it. The Tactic is aptly named, because it's a tactical disc decision.

            Discmania Discs Evolution Exo fade_3 Firm Firm/Hard glide_2 Hard Putt & Approach Putter speed_4 Tactic turn_0 176 Cerulean 1 11.99 034322987817 176 176 Powder White 2 11.99 034327622720 176 176 Cerulean 3 11.99 034321172337 176 175 Cerulean 4 11.99 034329491805 175 175 Cerulean 6 11.99 034326893114 175 174 Cerulean 7 11.99 034322621001 174 174 Powder White 8 11.99 034329479483 174 174 Powder White 9 11.99 034323761188 174 173 Powder White 11 11.99 034329499801 173 173 Magenta 12 11.99 034328661568 173 173 Powder White 13 11.99 034322515423 173
   2021-09-16T15:25:16-04:00 2021-09-16T15:25:16-04:00 Discmania Evolution Exo Hard Method Disc Golf Midrange Discs Discmania

            販売元: Discmania
            タイプ: Discs
            価格: 11.99

            The Discmania Evolution Exo Hard Method Disc Golf Midrange offers players a straight flying mid with a stable finish. The Hard Exo Method is different from the Neo mold because it's not as overstable and you can get a much straighter flight out of it. It also has a flatter top, which gives less of a hyzer glide finish.

            The flight path of the Evolution Exo Hard from Discmania is straight and stable whether you're throwing forehand or backhand. It's going to fly straight until it starts to run out of steam and then it will have a dumpy hyzer at the end. You can definitely throw this on an anhyzer and let it make an S curve, or throw it on hyzer for a controlled spike shot. This mid is versatile and it's not going to flip over on you, so you can expect that 3 fade to kick in on every flight.

            Exo hard plastic from Discmania is much closer to a baseline plastic feel, but with more durability. This plastic takes a little longer to beat in than the soft, and it should give a little bit cleaner of a release from your thumb. Exo hard is a great choice of plastic because it gives you a little more control in bad weather conditions and will have more nicks and scratches for you to grip.

            You're going to love the Discmania Exo hard Method. It's available at a great price here at specialdirectloan because we know these discs are going to be thrown a lot. Snag one of these Methods and lower your score today.

              Discmania Discs Evolution Exo fade_3 Firm Firm/Hard glide_5 Hard Method Mid-Range Midrange speed_5 turn_0 177 Cerulean 2 11.99 034329667910 177 176 Flamingo Pink 3 11.99 034323386893 176 174 Powder White 4 11.99 034326100915 174 173 Powder White 6 11.99 034321897193 173 173 Cerulean 7 11.99 034322809089 173 172 Cerulean 8 11.99 034322845735 171 171 Flamingo Pink 9 11.99 034325289185 171 171 Flamingo Pink 11 11.99 034324479754 171 170 Powder White 12 11.99 034321422487 170