specialdirectloan, Inc. 2022-05-21T10:02:58-04:00 specialdirectloan, Inc. 2022-05-21T10:02:58-04:00 2022-05-21T10:02:58-04:00 MVP Neutron Relay Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
Type: Discs
Price: 20.95

The MVP Neutron Relay Disc Golf Fairway Driver is an understable disc that's a great straight choice for beginner players and an excellent turning choice for advanced players. Of course

The flight path of the Relay is a quick turn that lasts throughout the flight. It's got a turn rating of -2, and combined with the 5 glide it manages to turn for almost the entire flight. As a 6 speed it's great for players just learning disc golf, and for a player with a little faster arm speed it's an amazing turning driver. It can be thrown on a forehand or a backhand. When thrown at low speeds this disc is an excellent choice as a straight flyer. You can rely on the low speed and high glide of the Relay to get you a long way down the fairway.

Neutron plastic from MVP is a premium blend. It's stiff, grippy, and quite durable. It's available in many colors and weights. The reason this plastic is the choice of many touring MVP pros is that they can rely on it to have the same flight path every week when they're on tour.

If you want an awesome disc that will turn for most of the flight, has a high glide, and can be thrown by anyone, you've found it. Snag yourself on of these MVP Neutron Relay's today!

    Discs fade_1 Fairway Driver glide_5 MVP Neutron ordered Relay speed_6 Stock Stamp turn_-2 172 Pink 100 20.95 59937912 172 172 Orange 101 20.95 96298324 172 172 Blue 102 20.95 92559268 172 172 Pink 103 20.95 05549873 172 171 Orange 104 20.95 58165862 171 171 Blue 106 20.95 91561061 171 168 Red 107 20.95 06602993 168 167 Red 109 20.95 84233205 167 165 Purple 114 20.95 85900322 165 164 Orange 115 20.95 10915017 164 164 Purple 117 20.95 28830047 164 163 Blue 118 20.95 83966216 163 162 Orange 120 20.95 46507292 162 162 Red 121 20.95 72943374 162 159 Purple 125 20.95 18131895 159 159 Blue 126 20.95 27571452 159 158 Green 127 20.95 31429858 158 158 Brown 128 20.95 25958127 158 157 Green 130 20.95 32167884 157 2022-03-25T15:20:42-04:00 2022-03-25T15:20:42-04:00 Innova GStar TeeBird Disc Golf Fairway Driver* Discs Innova Disc Golf

    Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
    Type: Discs
    Price: 12.95

    The Innova GStar Teebird is a stable fairway driver that's going to fly straight for most of the flight before stabling up and having a soft fade. It's a great choice for beginner players and world champions alike, the Teebird is a staple in so many players bags whether they throw it forehand or backhand.

    The flight path of the Teebird is straight for about 75% of the flight before it hyzers out. It's got good glide and is reliable every time it flies down the fairway. It's a solid tunnel shot choice because the Teebird has virtually no turn and the little hyzer tail at the end of the flight is just enough to keep it straight. The Teebird from Innova has been around since '99 and it's still one of the most recognizable molds in the game. It can handle the torque of a sidearm shot and works well for backhands too. The 5 glide rating is high for a fairway driver, so do expect it to carry to your landing zone. The Teebird is popular because it's consistent, and even when it gets a little beat in or seasoned it's still going to be mostly straight flying.

    GStar plastic from Innova is a durable blend that's a little bit softer than Star or Champion blend plastic. It's going to have improved grip and will be a little more understable right off the rack. It comes in mostly heavier weights but with the extra glide it offers you still see similar distance to lower weight Teebirds.

    The Innova GStar Teebird is a popular mold because it works every single throw. See why pros have been relying on this disc for 20+years and why so many of your local players bag this stable flyer. Snag one of these discs today!

    Discs fade_2 Fairway Driver glide_5 GStar Innova ordered speed_7 Stock Stamp Teebird turn_0 173-175 Yellow 66 12.95 24819989 175 173-175 Gray 67 12.95 98518431 175 173-175 Yellow 68 12.95 84112676 175 172 Blue 69 12.95 48681975 172 171 Purple 70 12.95 30413147 171 171 Blue 71 12.95 44433738 171 171 Blue 72 12.95 02725160 171 171 Blue 73 12.95 30938357 171 169 Purple 74 12.95 84839919 169 169 Orange 75 12.95 03806463 169 168 Orange 76 12.95 00612959 168 168 Purple 77 12.95 52892243 168 167 Blue 78 12.95 55685445 167 165 Blue 79 12.95 60366684 165 163 Orange 80 12.95 52664511 163 163 Orange 81 12.95 93492217 163 162 Orange 82 12.95 74645695 162 162 Orange 83 12.95 25692494 162 161 Orange 84 12.95 44020014 161 2021-12-15T15:28:54-05:00 2021-12-15T15:28:54-05:00 Axiom Plasma Insanity Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

    Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
    Type: Discs
    Price: 20.95

    The Axiom Plasma Insanity is a stable fairway driver that's got plenty of turn, glide, and fade. Expect an S curve with this disc and get some really interesting shot shapes out of this disc. The outer ring and flight plate are made from different materials and give this disc a gyroscopic flight for a little extra stability.

    The flight path of the Insanity is straight early and then it will flip over to anhyzer and ride that for a good part of the flight before levelling to flat and then fading out. If you're looking for a disc that drifts a little bit before coming back to hyzer this is an excellent choice. The Insanity flies like a beaten in stable fairway disc right out of the box. The Axiom Insanity will be a great choice for beginner players who throw 275'+ consistently or advanced players looking for a disc they don't need to season.

    Plasma plastic is a shiny durable blend from Axiom discs. It's slightly more flexible than a premium blend, but it's still going to last you years. People love the swirls that you can see, and it does make it easier to find this disc.

    The Axiom Insanity in Plasma plastic is a great addition to your bag. You can play in the woods or the field and be sure you can get a consistent S curve. Put one of these in your hands and see why folks are crazy about the Insanity.

    Axiom Discs Distance Driver fade_1.5 glide_5 Insanity ordered Plasma speed_9 Stock Stamp turn_-2 168 Green Swirl-Pink 105 20.95 010643512938 168 166 Pink Swirl-Orange 76 20.95 010646279982 166 163 Swirl 25 20.95 010644441657 163 162 Red Swirl-Teal 62 20.95 010649019882 162 2021-12-14T16:55:13-05:00 2021-12-14T16:55:13-05:00 Axiom Proton Insanity Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

    Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
    Type: Discs
    Price: 19.95

    The Insanity is best described as a worn-in MVP Inertia, with slightly more high-speed turn and a diminished fade. For average power throwers, the Insanity will be remarkably straight, while high power throwers can execute precise flip and turnover lines with ease. Whether you’re looking for that sweet-spot worn disc flight, or you’re looking to achieve bigger Inertia lines with less power, give Insanity a shot.

    The defining characteristic of the Insanity’s flight is its slow turn and straight fade, crafted by design with softened shapes to mimic a worn Inertia. Thusly the Insanity needs less power to execute certain Inertia flights and will exhibit a bit more turn and a noticeably more neutral fade portion than the Inertia.

    High power throwers will see enhanced glide and forward carry at low speeds, making it useful for a variety of low-ceiling shots and higher tailwind-riding lines. Average power throwers will see the most advantage with low height drives that gain distance and have enough stability to easily range.

    Axiom Discs Distance Driver fade_1.5 glide_5 Insanity ordered Proton speed_9 Stock Stamp turn_-2 171 Yellow-Yellow 64 19.95 010648727931 171 166 Green-Blue 95 19.95 010642106688 166 166 Orange-Pink 96 19.95 010646003358 166 165 Yellow-Pink 102 19.95 010648056086 165 162 Orange-Green 108 19.95 010643302102 162 158 Orange-Purple 79 19.95 010644400296 158 157 Yellow-Yellow 117 19.95 52456894 157 2021-12-14T16:48:35-05:00 2021-12-14T16:48:35-05:00 Axiom Neutron Tenacity Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

    Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
    Type: Discs
    Price: 20.95

    Tenacity is Axiom’s understable bomber from the new high-speed 23mm distance class. With proper form the Tenacity easily qualifies as “sneaky long”. Tenacity is best compared to a worn MVP Catalyst, and features the familiar evenly domed top to promote distance-covering glide.

    Like its name implies, the Tenacity will fight to stay in the air. But as less power goes into launch, its fading tendency shows more.

    Average and developing throwers will find a highly usable straight-with-fade driver in the Tenacity, while expert throwers will need to call upon that expertise to adjust hyzer angle and shot height.

    Axiom Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_5 Neutron ordered speed_13 Stock Stamp Tenacity turn_-2.5 174 Orange-Pink 5 20.95 010229605450 174 172 Banana-Orange 16 20.95 010226181018 172 172 Blue-Green 48 20.95 17947123 172 171 Yellow-Yellow 49 20.95 91333415 171 171 Green-Pink 50 20.95 52615994 171 167 Pink-Blue 55 20.95 90811246 167 166 Pink-Green 56 20.95 30262493 166 2021-10-25T17:13:57-04:00 2021-10-25T17:13:57-04:00 Innova GStar TeeBird3 Disc Golf Fairway Driver* Discs Innova Disc Golf

    Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
    Type: Discs
    Price: 12.95

    The Innova GStar TeeBird3 fairway driver has a flat flight plate promoting speed while reducing glide, effectively producing consistent, accurate flights. Described as a "faster TeeBird", it has a faster speed but less glide, making it a point and shoot, target specific fairway driver. In GStar Plastic, this disc is very flexible with great all weather grip.

    Discs fade_2 Fairway Driver glide_4 GStar Innova ordered speed_8 Stock Stamp Teebird3 turn_0 173-175 Yellow 96 12.95 96759013 175 173-175 Blue 97 12.95 83149728 175 173-175 Purple 98 12.95 06744385 175 173-175 Blue 99 12.95 23265263 175 172 Blue 100 12.95 68910041 172 170 Blue 102 12.95 05330368 170 170 Purple 103 12.95 04851379 170 170 Blue 104 12.95 81795301 170 168 Light Purple 82 12.95 034324789938 168 168 Purple 107 12.95 46962014 168 168 Purple 108 12.95 82414092 168 167 Blue 109 12.95 56306560 167 166 Purple 111 12.95 08858485 166 165 Purple 113 12.95 44546494 165 164 Light Purple 91 12.95 034321141029 164 163 Light Purple 95 12.95 034328956732 163 2021-10-25T14:28:01-04:00 2021-10-25T14:28:01-04:00 MVP Neutron Servo Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

    Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
    Type: Discs
    Price: 20.95

    The MVP Neutron Servo Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a stable flyer that offers a lot of glide and distance to beginning throwers. It's a great choice for advanced players as well and turns but still makes time to hyzer at the end of the flight.

    The flight path of the Servo is straightforward with a little bit of turn and reliable fade at the end of the flight. It's appealing to beginners because as a 6.5 speed you don't need to blister it out there to get good results. It's got a 5 glide rating which means you're going to see this disc airborne for a good amount of time. The higher you throw the disc the longer you give it a chance to fade out. It plays well with stall shots for advanced players, and if you turn it over you can expect the Servo to pan out instead of flipping over into a roller shot. The Servo can execute hyzer flips and can be thrown both backhand and forehand. The Servo is easy to start with and will take time to master. You can expect good straight control with this disc and pretty close to pinpoint accuracy for tunnel shots.

    Neutron Plastic is a great choice for fairway drivers. It's a premium blend so it's extra durable. Since you're going to be throwing your Servo anywhere from 200-400 feet it will eventually hit a tree with power. You can rely on Neutron plastic to not get flippy after hitting a few trees. It's the choice of amateur players and touring team MVP players as well because it works. It's consistent and reliable plastic that offers excellent flight.

    The Servo is named for Servomechanism, meaning it puts out more energy than it takes in. That's true with the Servo, put a little effort in and get a long flight. Try one of these discs today and it will find a home in your bag.

      Discs fade_2 Fairway Driver glide_5 MVP Neutron ordered Servo speed_6.5 Stock Stamp turn_-1 171 Gray 110 20.95 92913656 171 168 Green 106 20.95 45366272 168 167 Orange 107 20.95 68047291 167 167 Blue 109 20.95 33131423 167 166 Gray Blue 110 20.95 60546111 166 166 Yellow 111 20.95 22515766 166 166 Orange 112 20.95 35200834 166 164 Green 96 20.95 010642193329 164 164 Gray 113 20.95 16712569 164 158 Gray 75 20.95 025286815391 158 158 Orange 115 20.95 27928966 158 158 Gray 117 20.95 27008954 158 158 Blue 118 20.95 64345619 158 157 Red 101 20.95 010647346829 157 156 Pulsar Green 60 20.95 025287422383 156 2021-10-25T14:15:12-04:00 2021-10-25T14:15:12-04:00 MVP Electron Atom Soft Disc Golf Putt & Approach Discs MVP Disc Sports

      Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
      Type: Discs
      Price: 13.95

      The MVP Electron Atom Soft Disc Golf Putt & Approach is a fantastic chain hunter or a disc you can control on shorts shots from the tee. It's very neutral and straight in its flight and has really nice glide. As a soft disc it's a little more gummy in your hands and will be a little more glidey and less stable right out of the box.

      The flight path of the Soft Atom from MVP is very straight. As a putting putter you can throw it directly at the chains and expect it to have a very soft hyzer at the end of the flight. Virtually straight from 50 feet and in, you will love putting this disc. As a throwing putter it's going to have a very long and straight glide that results in holding whatever line you put it on. It's a fantastic anhyzer or hyzer approach disc if you need to rely on the glide to get there.

      Electron plastic from MVP is the baseline blend at the lowest cost. It beats in quickly but is the best choice for putters because it has a very tacky grip. This is the soft version of the plastic so you can depress your thumb in and get a little extra grip right away. It also is the least stable, so if you're looking for a little less hyzer than normal this is the choice for you. It's also ready to be a throwing putter straight away.

      The Atom has been a fantastic mold of putter since it debuted in 2014 and is the choice of many MVP sponsored players. It's a straight flyer that you can bang chains with or you can use for approach. Snag one of these today!

        Atom Discs Electron fade_1 glide_3 MVP ordered Putt & Approach Putter Soft speed_3 Stock Stamp turn_0 173 Pink 54 13.95 32770950 173 173 Pink 56 13.95 49946319 173 172 Pink 58 13.95 09753780 172 172 Pink 60 13.95 30476896 172 167 Purple 61 13.95 10393110 167 166 Purple 64 13.95 59756601 166 166 Purple 66 13.95 16340282 166 166 Purple 68 13.95 33200574 166 2021-10-25T13:59:05-04:00 2021-10-25T13:59:05-04:00 Axiom Neutron Tantrum Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

        Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
        Type: Discs
        Price: 20.95

        The Axiom Neutron Tantrum Disc Golf Distance Driver is stable and very high speed. It's a wide rimmed driver that can be thrown forehand or backhand and ripped as hard as you want and it's not going to flip over.
        The flight path of the Tantrum is straight until it runs out of power. That 1.5 turn shows up if you beat the disc in, or throw into headwinds. But most of the time it hits that point in the air where you expect it to turn and it holds straight for a few moments before hyzering out. The Tantrum is there for controlled maximum power shots. You can rip these drivers on long holes and rely on a consistent fade. It's got high glide, so expect a long slow hyzer fade. When thrown low with power this is an excellent skip shot disc.
        Axiom Neutron plastic is a durable, premium blend that's trusted by pro players and amateurs alike. It's got very good grip and is great in all seasons. It's stable without being overstable and can still beat in effectively. This is perfect for the Tantrum because it's going to be a little overstable out of the box, but as you hit trees, rocks, and hopefully metal. It's going to beat in and get a little more turn in the flight to give you more distance.
        The Tantrum is a disc that's for the advanced player, looking to get big distance and keep that controlled slow hyzer finish. It's stable and can handle your high speed needs. Snag one of these and see how much power and control you have.

        Axiom Discs Discs On Sale Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 Neutron ordered speed_14.5 Stock Stamp Tantrum turn_-1.5 174 Blue-Pink 55 20.95 57606300 174 174 White-Orange 57 20.95 27620170 174 173 Flamingo-Ruby 21 20.95 010228883101 173 172 Pink-Red 50 20.95 010224893364 172 172 Orange-Yellow 58 20.95 55028320 172 172 Green-Gray 60 20.95 14002919 172 2021-10-25T13:55:09-04:00 2021-10-25T13:55:09-04:00 Axiom Neutron Crave Sarah Hokom Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs MVP Disc Sports

        Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
        Type: Discs
        Price: 20.95

        The Axiom Neutron Crave Sarah Hokom Signature Disc Golf Fairway Driver is a very straight flying low speed driver. She's the queen of the forehand game and this is a very controllable forehand friendly disc.

        The flight path of the Crave is a little turn early in the flight and then late fade. The -1 turn and 1 fade let you know that the Crave doesn't swing from side to side in the air. It has very little movement other than forward and with good glide. It's an excellent tunnel shot disc and up to 325 feet it's perfect for tight shots between trees or mandos. Think of this disc as a long mid that you can get to your landing zone with. It's excellent backhand and forehand so players can use it however they like. And because of the low speed this is a great choice to introduce someone to the game with, or put it in the hands of World Champion Sarah Hokom and watch it soar. Neutron plastic from Axiom discs is a very durable blend of plastic. It's going to last you a long time before it becomes flippy, and it comes with gyro technology to give it extra stability during flight.

        The Crave from Axiom is a stable mold that offers players good distance for little power. It has the glide to get there and can be thrown by virtually any player. It's a great choice for your bag, and because it's a signature disc your purchase helps support Sarah Hokom as she travels the world throwing forehands everywhere.

          Axiom Crave Discs fade_1 Fairway Driver glide_5 Neutron ordered Signature speed_6.5 Stock Stamp turn_-1 175 Blue-Orange 160 20.95 174 175 Yellow-Green 161 20.95 174 174 Green-Green 129 20.95 19423391 174 174 Blue-Pink 162 20.95 174 174 Yellow-Pink 163 20.95 174 174 Green-Pink 164 20.95 174 173 Black-Green 165 20.95 174 169 Red-Green 134 20.95 86127044 173 168 Red-Gray 135 20.95 45428010 169 167 Yellow-Green 136 20.95 92211428 168 167 Blue-Red 138 20.95 45715949 167 167 Green-Pink 140 20.95 43236365 167 162 Yellow-Red 146 20.95 15847831 162 162 Yellow-Green 147 20.95 88586911 162 159 Orange-Red 152 20.95 10839609 159 157 Orange-Yellow 155 20.95 49991907 157 157 Orange-Green 156 20.95 99849672 157 157 Blue-Green 157 20.95 86806118 157 157 Blue-Pink 158 20.95 06644750 157
 2021-10-23T07:47:49-04:00 2021-10-23T07:47:49-04:00 Innova GStar Shryke Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

          Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
          Type: Discs
          Price: 14.99

          The GStar Shryke from Innova Champion Discs is an incredible high speed driver that has lots of distance to offer. This disc is designed to flip over and turn early in the flight before fighting back and fading out. 

          It's easy to grip and easy to throw. The Shryke has lots of glide, and is ready to turn over early in the flight so that you get maximum distance. It's great for forehand or backhand players who want that extra glide in a high speed driver. The rim isn't too wide so most disc golfers will be able to hold it with ease. The flight path is going to be a big S curve so make sure when you're throwing the Shryke you have plenty of room to the right and the left for it to swing. It will also move quickly down the fairway and further than you expect. This is a max distance driver, it excels when thrown over 300 feet.

          GStar plastic is interesting because it's more grip and more flip. It's a softer star plastic and the price is a little lower as well. GStar discs work well during every day of the year but they really excel in the cold. When your other discs have become too overstable and stiff the GStar Shryke will fly almost the same as it did during the summer months. It's popular with many female pro players because of the distance that you can get.

          If you want a disc that going to fade late and give you that extra forward glide then get yourself a GStar Shryke.


          Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 GStar Innova ordered Shryke speed_13 Stock Stamp turn_-2 173-175 Green 151 14.99 28239695 175 173-175 Blue 152 14.99 89549103 175 173-175 Green 153 14.99 81554211 175 173-175 Blue 154 14.99 33400786 175 173-175 Green 155 14.99 04539468 175 172 Blue 156 14.99 63605412 172 171 Purple 158 14.99 66630820 171 171 Blue 159 14.99 00577251 171 168 Heather Purple 89 14.99 010642400298 168 168 Orange 161 14.99 10162499 168 168 Orange 163 14.99 72576420 168 164 Blue 165 14.99 99066222 164 162 Blue 167 14.99 21623774 162 162 Purple 168 14.99 61414599 162
 2021-10-21T21:49:18-04:00 2021-10-21T21:49:18-04:00 Innova R-Pro Pig Disc Golf Mid-Range Discs Innova Disc Golf

          Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
          Type: Discs
          Price: 12.99

          The Innova R Pro Pig has been reclassified to a midrange! This overstable disc has a thumbtrac and is one of the most reliable approach discs you can throw. It's a great forehand or sidearm choice and it's throwable by folks of any skill level. Backhand it's an excellent choice to fight the wind or get to the ground on your approach shots as well. It's not a far flier, but it's one of the more accurate discs in the sport.

          The flight path of the Pig is straight for a moment and then it's going to start to hyzer and fade quickly. This is one of those discs that only goes as far as you throw it. With no glide and no turn, it's going to dump when it slows down. This makes it ideal for shots inside 150 feet where you want something to get close to the basket. This disc can be thrown by anyone but is generally thought of for the advanced skilled player or professional who wants something to nail their approach shots with.

          R Pro plastic is a tacky blend from Innova that's got a lot of grip for you. It's not the most durable, but Pigs aren't being thrown as hard as your drivers, so this should still last you a long time. It doesn't have much swirl, and it's not a flashy plastic, but it consistently gets the job done.

          The Pig is an over stable mid range that you'll love. It's beadless, and can be used for driving off the tees on short par 3's or when you need to hit your landing zones. This is definitely something that will help you lower your scores if you need a short range accurate disc that will never fly too far. Snag one of these, get your fingers in the rim, and get more birdies today!

          Discs fade_3 glide_1 Innova Mid-Range Midrange ordered Pig Pro R-Pro speed_4 Stock Stamp turn_0 175 Blue 330 12.99 60334400 175 175 Blue 332 12.99 09872089 175 172 purple 334 12.99 83725378 172 172 Pink 335 12.99 72744417 172 171 Purple 336 12.99 98963179 171 171 Yellow 337 12.99 22531188 171 171 Orange 338 12.99 72438903 171 170 Yellow 339 12.99 01400206 170 170 Orange 340 12.99 51746400 170 169 Blue 341 12.99 83208138 169 168 Blue 343 12.99 46061834 168 168 Orange 344 12.99 23823684 168 167 Blue 345 12.99 06777834 167 166 Pink 347 12.99 40989533 166 166 Blue 348 12.99 41065082 166 165 Pink 349 12.99 49942358 175
 2021-10-13T18:47:40-04:00 2021-10-13T18:47:40-04:00 Innova DX Leopard Disc Golf Fairway Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

          Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
          Type: Discs
          Price: 8.99

          The Innova DX Leopard is a very beginner friendly fairway driver due to it's classic, straight, reliable flight path and limited fade. This disc has excellent glide and is easy to throw straight and far. More experienced players can use the Leopard for throwing distance stretching "Hyzer Flip" shots and long range rollers. The Leopard is a great turnover disc for players of all skill levels. The DX Plastic offers all weather grip as well as affordability.

            beginner Discs DX DX's fade_1 Fairway Driver glide_5 Innova Leopard ordered speed_6 Stock Stamp turn_-2 175 White 365 8.99 51210380 175 175 Blue 366 8.99 97175671 175 171 White 367 8.99 30593721 171 170 White 368 8.99 71649251 170 169 Blue 369 8.99 49676213 169 167 Purple 370 8.99 70590617 167 167 Blue 371 8.99 56488923 167 166 Blue 372 8.99 18544621 166 162 White 373 8.99 91381552 162 161 Yellow 374 8.99 29275421 161 153 Blue 375 8.99 74546865 153 152 Blue 377 8.99 91336552 152 151 Yellow 378 8.99 64168858 151 151 Blue 379 8.99 99139334 151 144 Orange 382 8.99 11445399 144 143 Orange 383 8.99 33978954 143 141 Green 384 8.99 01865316 141
   2021-09-16T22:02:30-04:00 2021-09-16T22:02:30-04:00 Innova Star Beast Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

            Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
            Type: Discs
            Price: 15.99

            The Innova Star Beast is an amazing distance driver that gives players control and distance. This disc is an amazing choice for players with either the forehand or backhand skill set. A Beast is a mold that was PDGA approved in 2002 and it's been popular ever since.

            The flight path of a Beast can be broken down into 3 parts. At first it will fly straight, then the disc will begin to turn rapidly, and finally while gliding forward the Beast will begin to fade. It's perfect for in the woods when you need to maneuver tight fairways or out in the open when you're going for controlled distance. Beasts are meant to be thrown by players of all skill levels. As a 10 speed disc, it doesn't take a power arm to throw. As long as you're getting 250+ feet you can be confident in your Beast. It's got a glide rating of 5, so know that this wants to soar.

            Star Plastic is some of the best Plastic that Innova offers. It's grippy, durable, comes in a variety of weights, and is amazing for every type of disc. This the choice of many top pros for the discs in their bag. You'll love the Star Plastic as time goes by and your become confident in your shots.

            If you're in the market for a stable distance driver that's available for a great price at specialdirectloan, get yourself an Innova Star Beast today!

              Beast Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_5 Innova ordered speed_10 Star Stock Stamp turn_-2 173-175 Blue 174 15.99 54808409 175 173-175 Yellow 176 15.99 00613981 175 173-175 Blue 177 15.99 68160906 175 173-175 Blue 179 15.99 32543037 175 172 Purple 180 15.99 51691346 172 172 Blue 181 15.99 34272637 172 171 Purple 184 15.99 99178925 171 171 Purple 185 15.99 38044410 171 170 Purple 186 15.99 14448710 170 170 Purple 187 15.99 19986793 170 170 Blue 188 15.99 31046259 170 170 Purple 189 15.99 11335573 170 169 Blue 190 15.99 52388079 169 168 Green 191 15.99 59580737 168 168 Blue 192 15.99 86940253 168 168 Green 193 15.99 79023123 168 167 Green 195 15.99 65699882 167 167 Blue 196 15.99 04591972 167 166 Blue 197 15.99 99358864 166
     2021-08-23T20:26:55-04:00 2021-08-23T20:26:55-04:00 MVP Proton Matrix Disc Golf Midrange Discs MVP Disc Sports

              Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
              Type: Discs
              Price: 19.95

              The MVP Proton Matrix Disc Golf Midrange is a stable to overstable midrange that's reliable and will be a go to in almost any situation.

              The flight path of the Matrix is consistent and easy to recognize. The -1 turn it offers demonstrates the very little turn it has early in the flight, and it will flip up to flat and hold for a long time. The 2 Fade rating is a slow fade, not an aggressive dive down. You can throw this disc when you're looking for a hyzer finish with not much skip. It's an amazing approach disc and it's more point and shoot than glide. So don't throw this disc up high expecting it to do a slow fade, instead throw it low where you want the disc to go and watch it get there without the long slow drop. The MVP Matrix can handle the extra torque from forehands well, and is a great backhand disc too!

              Proton plastic from MVP is it's most durable plastic. You can throw these discs for years and they'll still keep the same flight characteristics. It's a little more slippery than Neutron plastic but it will be a little more firm on those hot summer days when other plastics can droop in your hand. It tends to be the most overstable of the plastics from MVP right out of the box. It's a great choice for discs that may hit a tree as it won't warp easily.

              The MVP Proton Matrix mid is a great choice for all skill levels, it's stable and reliable. Something that every player should have in their bag. Get yours and lower your scores today!

              Discs fade_2 glide_4 Matrix Mid-Range Midrange MVP ordered Proton speed_5 Stock Stamp turn_-1 169 Red 57 19.95 25839807 169 168 Yellow 59 19.95 12105400 168 166 Pink 60 19.95 14567304 168
     2021-08-23T20:23:16-04:00 2021-08-23T20:23:16-04:00 MVP Proton Deflector Disc Golf Midrange Discs MVP Disc Sports

              Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
              Type: Discs
              Price: 19.95

              The MVP Proton Deflector Disc Golf Midrange is an overstable disc that's trustworthy and will help you park more of your upshots. It's not built for distance, it's got one job and that's to sit down near the basket.

              The flight path of the MVP Proton Deflector is a strong hyzer that lasts throughout the flight. This disc has a very low glide rating for a mid range. It's not supposed to be in the air a long time, it only goes where you throw it. The hyzer is sharp and as soon as the disc starts to lose power the Deflector will drop its outer wing and begin to hyzer out. It's a great forehand or backhand disc that fills the role of a Zone/Harp/Pig from other manufacturers. However it does not have a bead and retains that stability. You can know that even when released on an anhyzer the Deflector is going to finish out with a hyzer. This disc won't be your furthest flying, but it should be one you're confident and accurate with between 50 and 150 feet.

              Proton plastic is the most durable blend from MVP disc sports. It's designed to take a beating and to retain the same flight characteristics for a long time, this is essential if you're playing with a disc like the Deflector where it will be hitting the ground hard. Proton plastic is worth the couple of extra dollars because you'll be using this disc for a long time.

              If you want something that you can rely on to get you close to the basket, and to not flip over in any wind, then get yourself one of these awesome Proton Deflectors from MVP and start parking your shots.

                Deflector Discs fade_4 glide_3.5 Mid-Range Midrange MVP ordered Proton speed_5 Stock Stamp turn_0 176 Pink 62 19.95 87381340 176 176 Yellow 64 19.95 80028034 176 175 Green 66 19.95 95032499 175 174 Pink 70 19.95 20757968 174
       2021-08-04T13:28:39-04:00 2021-08-04T13:28:39-04:00 Axiom Neutron Hex Disc Golf Midrange Discs MVP Disc Sports

                Vendor: MVP Disc Sports
                Type: Discs
                Price: 20.95

                The Axiom Neutron Hex Disc Golf Midrange is a slightly understable mid that's great for straight throws with low power. It's a shot shaping mid that you can flip hyzer, anhyzer, or release flat for slow turn with a fade at the end.

                The flight path of the Neutron Hex is smooth. It's one of those mids that you can trust in your bag for a wide variety of shots. The flat release with the Hex is going to give it that slow turn that you're looking for over time. It will pan out and have a subtle fade back. When released on a hyzer the Hex will flip up to flat and fly straight before hyzering out. On an anhyzer it's going to hold that line through most of the flight. With a speed of 5, it's easy to carry that anhyzer the entire flight without turning over into a roller. The Hex is at its best in the woods where it can be a shot shaping mid to get you around trees or out of trouble. With a glide of 5 it's going to stay aloft for a long time on whatever line you put it on.

                Neutron plastic from Axiom is one of the premium blends. It's got durability in the flight plate, excellent grip, and comes in a variety of weights. It's something that you can throw for years without worrying about breaking. Once it's broken in it will become a little more understable and that's always a great thing to have in your bag.

                The Hex was PDGA approved in 2021 and it's making its way into everyone's bag. This disc is a great mid with minimal fade, and it holds the lines it's put on. Get an Axiom Hex today and give your midrange game a boost!

                  Axiom Discs fade_1 glide_5 Hex Mid-Range Midrange Neutron ordered restocked speed_5 Stock Stamp turn_-1 178 Green-Red 186 20.95 010647490270 178 178 Green-Orange 189 20.95 010646473328 178 177 Green-Yellow 177 20.95 010642052794 177 177 Orange-Green 197 20.95 010642089875 177 176 Green-Green 218 20.95 29918225 176 175 Orange-Green 220 20.95 85833981 171 174 Green-Red 230 20.95 11339312 174 174 Gray-Multi 233 20.95 75344918 174 173 Green-Orange 212 20.95 010646478729 173 173 Green-Orange 214 20.95 010646743155 173 171 Pink-Red 222 20.95 27258734 171 169 Green-Blue 234 20.95 84373443 178 168 Blue-Green 235 20.95 84406211 178 168 Green-Green 236 20.95 84438979 178 168 Purple-Blue 237 20.95 84471747 178 167 Blue-Green 238 20.95 84504515 178 166 Yellow-Green 239 20.95 84537283 178 166 Blue-Green 240 20.95 84570051 178
         2021-06-02T14:33:08-04:00 2021-06-02T14:33:08-04:00 Innova GStar Corvette Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

                  Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
                  Type: Discs
                  Price: 14.99

                  The Innova GStar Corvette is a stable high speed driver that's going to fly a little differently than its champion and star counterparts. When thrown flat this disc will have more turn at high speeds than the other plastics. It's great for sidearm or backhand players so no matter how you throw this disc can work for you. It does have a wide rim but that's what you need to keep a disc stable at higher speeds.

                  GStar plastic is shiny and softer than star. You'll feel the difference immediately in your hand as you press your fingers into the soft plastic. This makes it fly like a beat in disc almost right off the rack. Players who want a little extra turn on their discs will love GStar. The GStar isn't quite the same price as premium plastics because it will beat in and become understable sooner. It's still quite durable if you compare it to dx or xt plastic though so it will be in your bag for years.

                  The Corvette flies like a dream, it's got so much glide that it almost floats on the air like a putter. The -2,2 Turn and Fade mean that for the most part this disc will end towards the middle of the fairway. It's still got that high speed and distance you need for your disc golf game. With a long flight this disc may quickly be the furthest flying disc in your bag. It comes in the same weight range as star plastic and there are plenty of color options as well. Do yourself a favor and if you're having trouble with turning star plastic get yourself a GStar Corvette!

                    Corvette Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 GStar Innova ordered speed_14 Stock Stamp turn_-2 173-175 Blue 130 14.99 58170087 175 173-175 Purple 131 14.99 29792586 175 172 Purple 132 14.99 96676979 172 171 Purple 133 14.99 12821888 171 170 Blue 134 14.99 58985327 170 170 Purple 135 14.99 42756071 170 169 Orange 136 14.99 05097206 169 168 Orange 137 14.99 09085920 168 168 Purple 138 14.99 06691996 168 167 Purple 139 14.99 50557221 167 164 Red 114 14.99 010644732922 164 164 Blue 142 14.99 71226130 164 164 Blue 143 14.99 33102261 164 163 Blue 144 14.99 93730418 163
           2020-12-03T18:20:49-05:00 2020-12-03T18:20:49-05:00 Innova Pro Corvette Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

                    Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
                    Type: Discs
                    Price: 12.99

                    The Innova Pro Corvette Disc Golf Distance Driver is a 14 speed disc can absolutely drive. This disc is for the advanced player who is looking to a disc that will get great distance and control.

                    When throwing the Corvette it's important to have plenty of distance both in front of you and side to side. This disc requires an above average arm speed to get going. Once it's up to speed it's a force to be reckoned with. The Corvette has a turn of -1 and a fade of 2. It's going to have a very little fight to turn and then start flying straight before fading. It's a great choice for forehand and backhand players alike. The rim is quite large, so if you have small hands, it may not be the best disc for you to throw.

                    Pro Plastic is a great choice for this disc. It tends to fly like a beat in Star Plastic, so if you don't want to spend all that time seasoning a disc this is a good choice for you. It's durable, affordable, and softer in the winter than some other plastics. It can be low or high weight and comes in a variety of colors. Pro Plastic rocks.

                    If you are looking for the highest speed driver, something with a little control, reliable fade finish, and a disc that can bomb for you. Then look no further than the Innova Pro Corvette!

                      Corvette Discs Distance Driver fade_2 glide_6 Innova ordered Pro speed_14 Stock Stamp turn_-1 173-175 Orange 90 12.99 010643297798 175 173-175 Purple 93 12.99 52133024 175 173-175 Orange 94 12.99 95815554 175 173-175 Purple 95 12.99 66030118 175 173-175 Purple 96 12.99 70854855 175 171 Orange 97 12.99 15251530 171 171 Orange 98 12.99 15826940 171 170 Orange 99 12.99 88634136 170 170 Orange 100 12.99 54187178 170 170 Orange 101 12.99 24794384 170 169 Orange 102 12.99 61714845 169 169 Orange 103 12.99 43177644 169 168 Orange 104 12.99 76212558 168 167 Orange 105 12.99 26596910 167
             2020-11-10T21:31:46-05:00 2020-11-10T21:31:46-05:00 Innova Pro Destroyer Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

                      Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
                      Type: Discs
                      Price: 12.99

                      The Innova Pro Destroyer is a high speed distance driver in an especially awesome plastic. Players will love the great glide and reliable flight of the Destroyer, and softer plastic that Pro offers.

                      A Destroyer is one of the most popular molds Innova has to offer. It's a perfect blend of power and control for players with advanced skill levels. The reason to throw the Destroyer in this plastic is the grip and the flexibility. This plastic is especially popular with players in the winter months. When star plastic becomes too overstable, and dx plastic brittles, Pro plastic excels. It's not just great in the winter though, in the summertime it makes overstable discs slightly more flippy. It can take a long time to break in a disc, or you could throw one that already flies like a beat in disc. 

                      The flight of the Pro Destroyer is early turn and late fade. At the beginning of the throw the Destroyer will flip over and ride that -1 turn, then it will come back to the center, and finally have a slow drawn out fade to the other side. Your disc will do this from the day you pull it out of the box until you've beaten it in for a couple seasons.

                      Pro Plastic isn't quite a premium one, but it's at a reduced price. This stuff is durable and can last awhile. It's also going to be floppy in the hand when compared to champion. The real draw to this plastic is the extra grip, players can use this on wet days and not worry about slippery discs. 

                      If you're looking for a disc that's reliable, great for all kinds of shots, and flies like a slightly beaten in disc right away... Check out the Innova Pro Destroyer!

                        Destroyer Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 Innova ordered Pro speed_12 Stock Stamp turn_-1 173-175 Pink 167 12.99 28148464 175 173-175 Blue 168 12.99 56840571 175 172 Purple 169 12.99 73712011 172 171 Green 170 12.99 93283333 171 171 Purple 171 12.99 46097843 171 170 Green 172 12.99 85505403 170 168 Purple 174 12.99 68027322 168 168 Purple 176 12.99 31913464 168 167 Blue 177 12.99 79271866 167 167 Purple 178 12.99 07851321 167 165 Blue 179 12.99 09475431 165 164 Golden Yellow 145 12.99 010648836626 164 164 Blue 180 12.99 19762231 164 164 Yellow 181 12.99 26557513 164 164 Purple 182 12.99 19896544 164 163 Yellow 183 12.99 53887236 163 163 Purple 184 12.99 45693128 163
               2020-04-28T15:55:33-04:00 2020-04-28T15:55:33-04:00 Innova DISCatcher Traveler Disc Golf Basket Baskets Innova Disc Golf

                        Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
                        Type: Baskets
                        Price: 175.00

                        The DISCatcher® Traveler Target is ready to accompany you on all your Disc Golf expeditions. The DISCatcher® Traveler™ is Innova's lightest, most portable Disc Golf target at just 15 pounds. The Traveler sets up with ease and take down is a breeze.

                        Ideal for taking on camping adventures, to the beach, mountains or on trips to the park. The Traveler’s light weight and easy set up and take down make it an excellent choice for schools and youth camps.

                        The DISCatcher® Traveler is always ready to go, yet it is great for backyard putting practice as well. The DISCatcher® Traveler™ is not intended for permanent outdoor installation.

                        DISCatcher® Traveler Features:

                        • Simple one-action set up
                        • At just 15 pounds, the DISCatcher® Traveler is the lightest portable target available from Innova
                        • The chain assembly features 12 steel chains to better simulate a permanent DISCatcher® target
                        • The extra wide basket tray is made of a lightweight yet durable, quick-drying mesh fabric
                        • Five legs provide a wide sturdy base. Attached anchor rings and included anchor stakes serve to secure target on uneven surfaces and on windy days
                        • Available in three eye-catching colors: Yellow, Red, Blue (Subject to availability)
                        • Comes with matching tote bag for easy transportation and storage
                        • Includes removable flag for easy visibility and wind direction indication

                        Note: Baskets will not ship Internationally.

                        Basket Baskets do-not-hide Non-Disc ordered Portable Target Yellow 175.00 022473948511 6804 Red 175.00 022475693778 6804 Blue 175.00 022472973415 6804