specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-03-12T16:10:50-04:00 specialdirectloan, Inc. 2023-03-12T16:10:50-04:00 2023-03-12T16:10:50-04:00 Innova Halo Star Boss Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
Type: Discs
Price: 20.99

The Innova Halo Star Boss is an overstable high speed distance driver. It's designed for the biggest arms in the game. With a wide rim it's quite overstable and has a lot of glide. If you're consistently pushing 400' with your drives this disc can be your go to forehand or backhand disc.

The flight path of the Innova Boss is going to be straight with some early turnover at high speed. Then a long forward glide and slow fade at the end. The -1/3 turn and fade combo is just like the Wraith or Destroyer, but the Innova Boss is much faster. This mold is the furthest flying disc in the world, and it's because of the consistent fade that you can trust.

Halo plastic from Innova is a premium blend. It's durable, grippy, and the choice of many disc golf touring pros because you can trust its flight. Innova Halo discs are all over the globe because they work.

The Innova Boss in Halo plastic is beefy. It's great for flex shots, fighting the wind, and huge distance drives if you have a big arm or can season the disc. It's for the advanced player who loves to control those big shots. Give this disc a rip. ]]>
Boss Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 Halo Innova Specialty speed_13 Star Stock Stamp turn_-1 173-175 Blue Halo 7 20.99 157943685778 175 173-175 Purple Halo 11 20.99 157945320844 175 173-175 Purple Halo 17 20.99 157949926332 175 173-175 Blue Halo 18 20.99 157946187958 175 173-175 Pink Halo 28 20.99 157941371925 175 172 Blue Halo 37 20.99 021949826063 172 172 Blue Halo 38 20.99 021941829185 172 172 Blue Halo 39 20.99 021942991492 172 172 Blue Halo 40 20.99 021942957870 172 172 Blue Halo 41 20.99 021943849853 172 171 Purple Halo 43 20.99 021948614760 171 171 Blue Halo 44 20.99 021941860911 171 171 Blue Halo 45 20.99 021941862687 171 171 Blue Halo 46 20.99 021944175845 171 170 Purple Halo 48 20.99 021949856398 170 169 Pink Halo 49 20.99 021943070127 169 168 Yellow Halo 50 20.99 021946515786 168 168 Pink Halo 51 20.99 021949427673 168 168 Yellow Halo 52 20.99 021944319003 168 168 Pink Halo 53 20.99 021944452144 168 168 Yellow Halo 54 20.99 021942143259 168 167 Pink Halo 55 20.99 021943399549 167 167 Yellow Halo 58 20.99 021946867694 167 167 Orange Halo 59 20.99 021948880479 167 167 Pink Halo 60 20.99 021946080505 167 2022-03-25T15:20:20-04:00 2022-03-25T15:20:20-04:00 Innova GStar Boss Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
Type: Discs
Price: 14.99

The Innova GStar Boss is an overstable high speed big rim distance driver. It's everything you know and love, something that when you put in your hands, you know is meant to bomb 375+ feet with.

The flight path of the Boss is very stable to overstable. At the end of the flight it will always flex back and fade out which makes it reliable no matter the wind or distance. The Boss is recommended for advanced players who have a fair amount of power as it is a 13 speed disc. It's a great choice for players who throw forehand or backhand shots, and the -1 turn and 3 fade is a great combination of distance and control. This may become your go to driver for controlled drives where you still want some turn out of the disc. Keep in mind with a wide rimmed driver like the Boss that ground play is a factor and when it hits the ground it will skip. So lay your shot a little bit wider on the approach when throwing the Boss.

GStar plastic is grippy and a fantastic blend for the Boss. You want something that's fairly durable and will still have that consistent fade you're looking for. GStar plastic is a little more flippy right out of the box so you won't have to season your disc as much for turn. Pros and amateurs alike love GStar for not getting as beefy in the cold weather. It's something that you can throw year round.

The GStar boss is a driver that you can throw with maximum power and have great distance but still control your disc. If you're looking for something to crush, these discs are a great choice. Snag one today and see why some of the top distance throwers choose a Boss as their go to disc.

    Boss Discs Distance Driver fade_3 glide_5 GStar Innova Reduced Pricing speed_13 Stock Stamp turn_0 173-175 Sapphire 2 14.99 034323519147 175 173-175 Amethyst Purple 9 14.99 034322823856 175 173-175 Heather Gray 11 14.99 034328953748 175 173-175 Silver 12 14.99 034321415762 175 173-175 Sapphire Blue 13 14.99 034325230149 175 172 Amber Orange 15 14.99 034324738530 172 172 Amber Orange 17 14.99 034325455528 172 170 Navy Blue 21 14.99 034324652256 170 167 Amber Orange 24 14.99 034323310423 167 166 Honey Orange 26 14.99 034329863527 166 150 Honey Orange 29 14.99 034326898461 150 150 Honey Orange 30 14.99 034326866460 150 2022-03-12T15:26:04-05:00 2022-03-12T15:26:04-05:00 Innova Blizzard Champion Boss Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

    Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
    Type: Discs
    Price: 15.99

    Innova Blizzard Champion Boss: The Ultimate Disc Golf Distance Driver

    Are you ready to take your disc golf game to new heights? Look no further than the Innova Blizzard Champion Boss disc! As the pioneer of speed-13 drivers, the Boss is a force to be reckoned with on the course.

    Unleash Your Potential with the Boss: Boasting a wide rim design, the Boss revolutionized the distance driver game upon its release. It's no wonder it is or was a favorite among players like Ricky Wysocki and Gregg Barsby. With its 13 speed rating and exceptional stability, the Boss delivers unparalleled distance with every throw.

    Fly Like a Champion: Crafted from durable Champion plastic, the Blizzard Champion Boss takes performance to the next level. Thanks to innovative microbubble technology, these discs offer lighter weights without sacrificing durability. Plus, discs weighing under 140 grams float in water, ensuring you never lose your favorite disc to a water hazard.

    Reach New Heights: Join the ranks of touring golfers who swear by the Boss for maximum distance. Whether you're unleashing a powerful forehand or a smooth backhand, the Boss responds with precision and control. Experience the touch of turn followed by a reliable fade, making every throw a masterpiece.

    Find Your Perfect Fit: With a variety of plastics and weights available, there's a Blizzard Champion Boss for every player. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, the Boss is the ultimate distance workhorse for your disc golf bag.

    Elevate Your Game with the Boss Today! Don't settle for anything less than the best. Try the Innova Blizzard Champion Boss and discover why it's the go-to choice for players seeking maximum distance and unrivaled performance on the course.

    Blizzard Champion Boss Discs Distance Driver fade_3 Innova Reduced Pricing Signature Specialty speed_13 Stock Stamp turn_0 150 Yellow 55 15.99 034323809637 150 149 Neon Yellow 18 15.99 034327458497 149 149 Lemon Yellow 32 15.99 034322752781 149 149 Yellow 59 15.99 034328678559 149 149 Yellow 62 15.99 034322194543 149 148 Yellow 64 15.99 034328405773 148 147 Carrot Orange 38 15.99 034324484741 147 147 Green 66 15.99 034327385816 147 146 Orange 67 15.99 034324252937 146 145 Mango Orange 40 15.99 034322771928 145 145 Yellow 68 15.99 034329053256 145 144 Orange 70 15.99 034322417369 144 143 Orange 71 15.99 034323914621 143 142 Yellow 72 15.99 034328418346 142 141 Yellow 73 15.99 034328200415 141 140 Green 74 15.99 034324983633 140 138 Yellow 75 15.99 034323607233 138 137 Pink 77 15.99 034326071277 137 134 Red 80 15.99 034324073778 134 134 Purple 81 15.99 034325051324 134 133 Orange 82 15.99 034321738403 133 132 Orange 83 15.99 034329170595 132 2021-09-16T21:49:08-04:00 2021-09-16T21:49:08-04:00 Innova DX Boss Disc Golf Distance Driver Discs Innova Disc Golf

    Vendor: Innova Disc Golf
    Type: Discs
    Price: 8.99

    The Innova DX Boss is great for players who want to try an overstable driver out. It's perfect for headwinds, players who throw with lots of power, and short flex shots.

    If you're looking for the flight path of the Boss it's going to be look like an L. For the most part this disc will stay straight, the -1 turn doesn't mean it will turn for very long. In fact most of the time time the Boss will just fly straight until it runs low on power. That's when the disc will fade out and forward. The Boss is a distance driver but not for max distance. It's about controlling which side of the fairway you land on and still getting pretty great distance.

    The DX Boss is the least overstable Boss of all the plastics. In this form it will beat up fairly quickly, but that will give this disc more turn and distance. It's a lower price because as it hits trees or rocks it will take some dings and chips along the way.

    This disc comes in many different weights and colors. One of the appealing parts to the DX Boss is how useful it can be in different weights. At max weight it's great for control, at 150g it's perfect for a little extra distance mixed with a reliable fade.

    This is also the mold that David Wiggins threw when he achieved the World Distance record of 1108 feet. He used a different plastic, but a low weight boss was his choice for furthest flight.

      Boss Discs Distance Driver DX DX's fade_3 glide_5 Innova Reduced Pricing speed_13 Stock Stamp turn_0 175 Seafoam Blue 137 8.99 034325743298 175 175 Grape Purple 138 8.99 034321973132 175 172 Seafoam Blue 140 8.99 034329827031 172 171 Ghost 117 8.99 034329437827 171 171 Seafoam Blue 142 8.99 034321128594 171 168 Ghost 123 8.99 034322381356 168 161 Ghost 131 8.99 034323049156 161 159 Ghost White 144 8.99 034324501745 159 159 Poppy Orange 145 8.99 034328940687 159 158 Ghost White 146 8.99 034326089661 158 154 Lavender 132 8.99 034326856362 154 153 Lavender Purple 148 8.99 034325496347 153 153 Lavender Purple 149 8.99 034324309891 153 153 Lavender Purple 151 8.99 034329505526 153 150 Sapphire Blue 153 8.99 034329093467 150 146 Sapphire Blue 160 8.99 034322720216 146 142 Seafoam Blue 164 8.99 034326485340 142 141 Seafoam Blue 165 8.99 034321322329 141 141 Seafoam Blue 166 8.99 034323577994 141